Steve is glad to see Bucky, but is afraid of what's next.

"Where's Natalia?" Steve reaches for his pocket.

"Steve? Where is she?" He takes Bucky's hand and places her ring in his hand.

"What's this? Steve?!"

"I'm so sorry Bucky."

"No. No this is not real." He stares at the ring in his hand and back at Steve.

"Tell me this isn't true Steve..?" Bucky grabs him by his shoulder strap. "Tell me! This isn't true!"

Steve is lost for words. Bucky clenches the ring inside his hand and holds it to his forehead. He closes his eyes. He inhales deep and sighs. Tears roll down his face. He turns and walks away. He releases his anger by kicking a piece of metal, and punching a huge hole in a slab of concrete. He kneels down on the ground and holds the ring tight in his fist.

* One week later * 

It has been days since Tony's funeral. Bucky attended because of respect, but has been staying in his room since then. Holding tight onto that ring.

Steve knocks on the door. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Bucky replies.

"She did it for you buddy. She told Clint she did it for you."

"It's so hard Steve. I miss her so much. I can't believe she had to go through this for five years."

"Let's get some fresh air." Bucky nods and goes with Steve.

"She is a stubborn person... Was... a stubborn person." Bucky says soft. "We were going to grow old together."

"I know. She told me."

"You are the only person I know who can understand what I'm feeling. Because of Peggy.. "

Steve pulls Bucky in for a hug. "Yes. I know how you feel. The pain never goes away, but it fades eventually..."

"Right now I'd rather be numb again than to feel what I feel now."

Steve sighs. "Bucky, I wanted to talk to you about something... well actually, I already made a decision. The past 5 years I have been thinking about how I got stranded here in this century. I got ripped from my home and live and woke up here. I feel out of place and everything is unfamiliar." Steve pauses.

"I'm going to be the one who will return the stones to their rightful place in time... And I'm not planning on come back."

Bucky is not surprised by his confession. He knows he would do everything to go back to Peggy. "So you want to go back to Peggy?"

Steve just nods and looks at him waiting for a response.

"I understand. What I have.. had with Natalia.. I would give everything to have that back."

"I hate to do this, I don't want to leave you alone. Not after what happened."

"It... It's okay. I'm just going to miss you."

Bucky grabs him and gives him a big hug.


A plan has been made for Steve to return the stones. The suit and serum are ready, he has enough to make the trip, plus extra. Bruce has set up the machine and is preparing Steve for the trip.

"I'm going to miss you."

"It's going to be okay Buck."

Bucky just smiles.

"I will make it right. For both of us." Steve whispers when he gives him a last hug before entering on the platform. His helmet closes and he disappears in a flash. He hears Bruce counting down till the return of Steve. But Bucky knows better, Steve's not coming back. So he turns his head to walk away but suddenly someone appears on the platform.

"Steve? You brought someone along?" Bruce asks.

Bucky turns around and sees Steve standing there with 2 other people. He was sure Steve wouldn't return. Bucky is stumped when they remove their helmets.



"Sergeant Barnes?"

"Agent Carter?!"



Natasha comes running down from the platform into Bucky's arms.

He can't believe his eyes. He didn't understand what Steve meant until now. He kisses her deeply before hugging her tight. He digs his face into her hair. Natasha grabs him tight. It has been 5 years since the last time she saw him.

"Dear God I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Every second."

"I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too doll."

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