Chapter 21

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It's been a few weeks and Bucky is still having nightmares. Not as often as before, but some of them are intense. He wakes up in the middle of the night panting and sweating. Natasha hasn't noticed yet, and he's becoming really good at hiding his nightmares. Well at least, he thinks so. He hasn't told her yet because he knows it'll go away if he concentrates hard enough on his meditations. Mediation really helps. It has to.

They see Lilly so often. A bit too often if you ask Natasha. They believe she just moved in with Steve and is now living in Wakanda. She is constantly hanging from Steve's arm and never leaves his side. They spend a lot of time together and Bucky doesn't really talk to Steve anymore. He's always busy or tired and doesn't have time to talk.

Even though Bucky hasn't caught Lilly doing something out of character, he tries to keep her at a distance. It's to respect Natasha's wishes. But this automatically means he keeps Steve at a distance too and that's not what he needs right now. He just wants to talk to his friend and that seems impossible right now. As much he loves that Steve found a companion, he just hopes they stop being so clingy.

Natasha hasn't stopped distrusting her. But she also hasn't caught her doing something... suspicious... It bothers her because she knows deep down Lilly's not the person she makes herself out to be. Every time they cross paths, she gives her a death stare. Lilly just smiles and waves, oblivious to Natasha's thoughts. Which annoys Natasha to her core.

Sam has also been granted asylum in Wakanda. He got the smallest room at the end of the hallway. He's fine with it because it's still huge. They offered him this so he can help out if they need him. And because he's staying here, Shuri upgraded his suit. She upgraded the technology and replaced some components with lightweight vibranium. Sam was so happy with the upgrades he hugged Shuri so tight she begged him to let her go. After some awkward laughing he thanked her and took his wings for a test ride.

It has been a few quiet weeks. Their help has been requested a few times. By the army or some federal bureau or secret service. Mostly they can deal with it alone, but always with a backup on standby.

After a while, Natasha was glad she was asked to assist with a case. She quite enjoys fighting and kicking a real person's ass beats kicking a lumpy old punching bag. She helped by infiltrating a gang to catch a drug lord. The drug lord wasn't the smartest but with some help from the mafia he could stay out of the hands of the police. It wasn't difficulty to catch him. It was very easy actually. She just created some chaos and she watched the hierarchy fall from the inside. It was rather amusing.

When the police showed up, she already lifted off with the jet to return to Wakanda and James. They found the culprits tied up and trapped inside. She missed James even though it was only for three days. She could get back earlier but she had to collect enough evidence otherwise her cover would be blown and all would have been for nothing.

She emerges from the jet relieved and entertained. She struts through the hallway and wipes a smudge of dirt from her face as she walks past a window that reflects the state of her outfit. She sighs because now she has to answer to Shuri. She was so proud when she showed her the new updated outfit.

She'd rather face the mafia then her.

"Looks like you had your fun?"

Sam spotted her and gestures to the damages in her suit. A knee is ripped and a few holes show the skin of her left upper arm. Sam hooks his finger in the fabric and pulls. The sound of tearing fabric is heard.

"Stop it, Sam!"

She swats his hand away.

"I'll make sure Shuri knows about this!"

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