I began running out of the school as the phone rang.

I could hear people coming from behind me.

Probably Draken, Mikey and Takemichi.

I made it out of the school but my sister hadn't been answering her phone causing my heart to race.

She always answers the phone.

I sprinted down the sidewalk as the boys all followed along a bit behind me.

"N/N! Slow down!" Mikey called out but I kept going 'a terrible accident....the fuck does that even mean' I wondered as I saw the hospital approaching.

I pushed myself and I was beginning to feel tired as I ran straight into the hospital.

I was given a lot of weird looks and a nurse approached me "Hun, are you hurt?" She asked and I shook my head "I'm looking for my sister, west wing" I said and she smiled "Ok, that'll be right down that hallway and take a right" she said and I nodded as I ran down the hallway and I nearly tripped several times as I turned right and made it to a door.

I was quite further ahead of the boys so they probably hadn't made it to the hospital yet.

They weren't the type to run a lot.

I quickly barged in and saw your sister standing their with a confused expression "What are you doing here?" She asked and I hugged her "I missed y-" I cut myself off when I began hearing something.

"S/N....are you the only one here?" I asked and she nodded "Yeah, all of the residents have been moved to the east hall while this place gets renovated" she said and I looked around until my eyes stopped on a cabinet and I slowly walked over as I began to hear the sound of ticking.

"What's in here?" I asked and she walked over "Uh I assume a monitor, anyways you really shouldn't be here" she said and I slowly opened the cabinet as I saw a timer connected to a black box causing my eyes to widen as I saw the time left.

29 Seconds.

A bomb.

Someone planted a bomb there.

I grabbed my sisters hand and she dropped her clipboard "The hell!" She snapped and I attempted to move her but she wasn't following me.

"We have to go! This place is going to blow up" I snapped and her eyes widened as she began to move with me and we rushed out of the door as we ran down the empty halls.

Mikey's POV-

We finally arrived at the hospital.

"Why did she run in?" I asked Takemitchy and he had a worried expression which caused me to feel slightly worried as well "Something bad is about to happen" he said and I raised a brow "Is N/N hurt?" I asked and he looked down "This wasn't supposed to happen, she wasn't supposed to r-"

The sound of a loud explosion could be heard as we all covered our faces and fell back.

The front west wing of the building had just blown.

I slowly turned to Takemichi to see his frightened look as I stared at him blankly "Takemitchy....was N/N going to that part of the building?" I asked slowly and he nodded as I got up and ran over to the mess.

"N/N!" I called out but there was no response and people began running out of the building.

I looked around as I entered the hospital and glanced around. "Shit....." I mumbled as a nurse began pushing me out "It's too dangerous" she said and my eyes widened slightly "Take your hands off of me" I muttered and she backed away before running out of the hospital with the rest.

𝕾. 𝕸𝖆𝖓𝖏𝖎𝖗𝖔 {𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖞 𝕭𝖞 𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖉𝖊}Where stories live. Discover now