As soon as he left my tears started flowing which i was holding. What have i done to deserve a life like this. Every time when i thinks that life is settled now something bad happens. Now i was happy with mom and bhai but guess what god doesn't wants me happy, but its okay i'll fight against it, my parents taught me to be brave girl and their brave daughter will not let them down. I wiped my tears and went down. It was time for the dinner so i set the table.

I was almost done with setting the table when mom and bhai came down

"Do you need any help beta" mom asked. I shook my head with a smile.

"Do you met sid, did he behaved nicely with you?" she asked. I nodded with a fake smile.

"Tell me avneetayy if not then i will teach him a lesson" bhai said

"No need of it bhai, he behaved nicely with me." I lied to them. I don't want to be the reason of fight between him and his family.

"Are you sure?" he said doubtingly.

"Yes bhai now stop talking i'll serve you"

"No need avneetayy i'll do that" he said.

"Yes beta we will serve for ourselves you also sit with us." mom said

"Actually mom i think we should wait for him, He came home after so many days, he will feel bad if we didn't waited for him" i said hesitantly. Mom and bhai smiled at my answer and nodded.

We waited for him for few minutes and he came down

"Hi mom how are you" he asked hugging mom from her back

"I am fine betu g but i missed you so much" she said hugging him back.

"I missed you too mom" he said. Aww he loves his mom so muchh.

"Ahmm hello dada" he said with a nervous face while breaking the hug

"Hi" bhai said in a cold tone. I was confused. why bhai is talking like that with him.

On hearing his answer Mr. Nigam looked towards me with a hard look, which made me more confused. What' happening here? i thought.

(Avneet don't know anything about sid being slapped by abhi and their fight because she was sleeping that time due to effect of medicine when all the drama took place)

"If everything is done then lets start the dinner" bhai said in the same tone and everyone nodded.

I was standing at the side of the dining table while everyone was serving for themselves. I hope that Mr. Nigam will like the dishes made by me.

"Avneetayy you also sit with us na" bhai said now in a soft tone

"Yes beta come sit here" mom said patting the seat beside her. I looked towards Mr. nigam and he was glaring me but i looked away, nodded to mom and went to sit beside her.

I also served for myself and everyone started eating.

" Wow this Shahi paneer and chicken is amazing" Bhai said with full mouth and mom chuckled.

"First eat abhi then speak" she said 

"What can i do mom its so tasty" he said gulping his food down. Mom shook his head with a smile and continued her food.

I was nervous what if Mr. nigam didn't like it.

We all completed our food and then mom served kheer to three of us.

"Wow mom everything is so tasty today, dal chawal was also very yummy, did you changed your recipe if yes then its better than before, keep it like that, i loved it and this kheer this is the best kheer i had ever eat. Thankyou mom for making my all favourite dishes". Mr. Nigam said with an excited voice and a big smile formed on my face but i looked downwards and continued eating my kheer.

"If you want to say thank you then say it to your wife, she only made all this for you" Mom said with a smile and he stopped eating.

He looked towards me and we had an eye contact for few seconds but he broke it and stood up from his seat.

"I am not hungry anymore" he said in a cold voice and left the table. I watched him going upstairs. 

I felt bad because of me he left his food in between. I had tears in my eyes but i controlled them in front of mom and bhai.

"Don't worry baccha i will talk to him" mom said and i nodded with a small fake smile.

"Yes avneetayy don't worry he will take time to adjust" bhai said in a soothing voice.

We all completed our food and mom said that she will clean the table, i told her that i will do it,  but she doesn't listen to me, she started doing it and i helped her. When everything got completed i asked mom

"Mom can i use some another room" I was nervous, because after what happened at dinner i don't want to face him. Mom nodded in understanding, i thanked her and went to one of the guest room.


Tadaaaa here's the new chapter.

Finally sidneet met after their marriage.

Sid is being rude with her 😔

Hope you liked it.

We will meet in next chapter. Till then 

Love you all. Stay safe.

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