Y/N's POV-

"Can you move around alright?" The doctor asked and I sighed "Yeah, can I go home?" I asked and he wrote something down "Do you feel any pain in your left side?" he asked and I shrugged "I got stabbed so yes, can I go home?" I repeated my question as he wrote down some more stuff "How do you feel after twisting around?" he asked and I slumped my shoulders "Like shit, I'm getting the feeling that you're ignoring my question on purpose" I deadpanned and he hummed "I'll be back with pain medication" he said as he left the room.

"Or he's just ignoring me in general" I mumbled as I sat back down on the bed and looked out of the window "This room is so stuffy" I whispered as I wiped my eyes and laid back down on the bed.

The door opened and I looked up to see Draken "Hey" he said as he stepped inside "Hey" I replied as he walked over to me "Feel better?" he asked and I sighed "I guess, I just want to go home" I said and he threw a jacket at me "Let's go" he said and my eyes widened slightly "Huh?" I questioned and he smirked "Mikey's already outside" he said as he began walking away and I quickly threw the oversized jacket on and followed him.

I made sure to hide my face as we walked through the hallways.

"Is it a good idea to be leaving?" I asked and he raised a brow "Scared?" he asked and I rolled my eyes "No" I mumbled and he chuckled as we walked outside.

"N/N, feel better?" Mikey asked as he pushed himself off of the wall that he was leaning on "I guess so" I said and he smiled "Great! Let's go play" he said and I chuckled lightly 'He's such a kid' I thought as he motioned to his motorcycle and I groaned "Do we have to?" I asked and he put his hand up "I promise not to drive fast" He said with a grin and I sighed before hopping on behind him.

I wrapped my arms around him as he took off quickly.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he smiled "Dorayaki!" He chirped and I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "You only think with your stomach" I said and he shrugged "I don't see a problem with that N/N" he said and I shrugged it off.

"AH YEAH" Mikey yelled as he swerved and I gripped onto his torso even harder "Slow down" I mumbled and I felt him slow down slightly as I took a deep breath while keeping my eyes completely shut until we finally stopped and hopped off.

I felt my phone ringing and I looked down to see that it was my sister.

Obviously I answered it.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She exclaimed and I glanced around "Where are we?" I asked Mikey and he smiled "Downtown" he chirped and I hummed "I'm downtown" I said and she paused for a moment "THE HELL YOU ARE! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE HOSPITAL" she yelled and I moved the phone away from my ear as she scream profanities "Sorry" I said as she groaned "You're such a problem child, who are you even with?" She asked and I thought for a moment "I'm with Hinata" I said and she scoffed "That's a lie, she's standing right next to me" she mused and I rolled my eyes "Oh, I'm with Mikey" I said and she mumbled something in the background.

"Is that the kid that sat with you in the hospital?" She asked and I hummed "Correct" I said and she sighed in frustration "How did you guys even get downtown" she asked and I raised a brow "His motorcycle" I said and she screamed "HE'S 15" she yelled and I rubbed the back of my head "Yeah I thought it was weird too but it wasn't so bad" I said and I heard her slap something, probably her face.

"Just be home before nightfall" she mumbled as she hung up and I put my phone back into my pocket.

"Your sister is quite loud" Mikey said and I nodded "I know" I said as he grabbed my hand and led me down the sidewalk with Draken right behind us.

"Why am I third wheeling?" He asked and Mikey shot him a look "It's not really third wheeling" I said and he raised a brow "How so?" He asked and I scoffed "Me and Mikey aren't dating so it's not third wheeling since we're all friends" I said and Draken covered his mouth to hide his laugh but he didn't say anything else.

'Weird' I thought as Mikey continued walking forward until we reached a restaurant.

We sat down in one of the booths "Want anything?" Mikey asked and I shook my head "No thanks" I said and he raised a brow before turning to Draken and holding up two fingers as he gave a short nod.


"Two kids meals" Draken told the waiter and I slapped my hand over my face causing them to both look at me "Haha N/N your face is all flustered now" Mikey mused as he poked me in the cheek and I groaned "You guys are so weird" I mumbled to myself.

"Ah have you seen Takemitchy yet?" Draken asked and I shook my head "No, Hinata hasn't seen him much either.....she said that he ran away after I woke up" I said and Mikey smiled "Takemitchy is so weird" he said and I hummed in agreement as two plates were put in front of us and I sighed before picking up a fork and beginning to eat the food.

"They remembered the flag this time" Mikey said with a goofy grin on his face and I smiled a bit at his cuteness.


'What did I just-.......cute?'

I looked over at Mikey and saw him grinning as he ate his food and I quickly looked out of the window as I tried to cover the upcoming blush with my hands.

"Something wrong N/N?" Mikey asked as he leaned over to me and I pushed his face away "I'm fine!" I said and he hummed as he began stuffing his face again.

I looked down at my half eaten food and sighed before Mikey took the leftovers and finished them too.

Then he fell asleep.

Typical Mikey.

He'll probably be hungry again when he wakes up.

Idiot Mikey.

A/N- If you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<3

A/N- If you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<3

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