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You , jack and few of your friends from the England team and their girlfriends are going out for some drinks in the bar.

You are just wearing a white dress with sparkly straps and plain white heels and a Denham jacket just in case you get cold . Your hair half up half down and some basic make up.

Jack's just wearing a white shirt with his 2 top buttons undone with black jeans and white 97s.

"Hey are you ready" jack says walking into the bathroom seeing you finish your lipstick.

"Yeh let's go" you said smiling to him holding his hand

You and jack order a taxi and get to the club and see everyone else waiting outside.

"Oh my god there you are" Lauren Declan rices girlfriend said running up to you pulling you in for a hug

"Sorry we are late"you said smiling back

"Alright lads" jack says waking up to his friends giving them all bro hugs

Once you've said hello to everyone you walk into the bar and go sit in the booth you had ordered earlier that day

"Hey do you want a drink" jack said to you
"Yes please" you said smiling at him
"Pink gin?" He asked knowing your order just making sure
"That's all I drink" you said laughing
"I know I just wanted to check" he said kissing your cheek.

When jack leaves you carry on talking to the group when Ben walks in

"Oh my days I haven't seen you in ages" you said giving Ben a hug
"Yeh how have you been" he says hugging you back
"I'm good how are you" you asked
"Yeh I'm good" Ben chilwell smiled at you
"Playing for Chelsea I see" you said smiling back
"Yeh always been a big dream of mine you still at nurse school?" He asked
"Yeh almost done" you said when jack came walking over with your drinks
"Hey bro , can I talk to gabby for a sec" he asked
"Ye sure I'll talk to you later" he said smiling at you both before going to the bar getting himself a drink
"You ok ?" You asked now outside with jack mixing your drink with the straw in your drink.
"What the fuck was that about ?" He asked
"Huh ?" You replied confused
"Talking to Ben" he replied
"i've known him for years ?" you argued back
"you were flirting with him" he said
"Are you jealous ?" You asked laughing
"No" he said slightly embarrassed
"Aww don't worry I love you" you said pulling him into a hug, him hugging you back
"I know it was just annoying" jack replied before you both went back in enjoying yourself as again with the group

Jack grealish imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang