The other two are easy to find, and soon, I'm standing on a tall branch, staring down at the ground below. Paimon floats next to me.

"What's the matter?"

I shift backward and tighten my grip on the branch overhead. "I'll break my legs if I jump from here."

"Then fly down!" Paimon helpfully suggests.

"Paimon, I'm not a-" then it dawns on me. The wind-glider from Amber. I can glide down. "Oh. Sorry."

"Hmph! I told you, Paimon is always right!" She folds her arms and sticks her nose in the air.

For a moment, I stare at the ground. Am I really about to jump? If I hit the ground, I'll break my legs. If I land on my head, I'll die. The wind-glider worked once, but that was with the blessing of anemo, and I was being guided by an expert. What if I deploy my wind glider and it doesn't work?

"If you just stand there, nothing will happen." Paimon says. "Time is ticking!"

I cautiously unclench my grip on the overhead branch. I exhale slowly. I'm afraid. I'm allowed to be afraid, but only for five seconds. I inhale deeply, exhale, then open my eyes.

I lean forward, falling from the branches and plummeting to my death. The ground is rushing toward me. For a breathless moment, I forget how to deploy the wind glider. Then I throw my arms outward, and it yanks me violently from my descent.

My shoulders are straining from the whiplash, but I can open my eyes comfortably. I can see everything from up here. Mondstadt, on the horizon, miles and miles of meadow stretching out between us. The wind is gentle while it guides me forward. I land on the soft grass, crumpling to lay down; I'd forgotten how my legs work.

I pop back up and dash over to where the commissioner waits. I hand her my package, bear through her story, then nod my farewell. The rewards she gives me were pretty cool.

"Oooh! Primo gems are so pretty!" Paimon wonders aloud when I open the pouch of goodies.

"You're in charge of keeping them safe, okay?" I hand them to her, and she holds them with such tender care that one might think it to be a baby mouse. Her eyes sparkle the reflection of the gems, and she just stares for a moment. I clear my throat. "Paimon, let's go to the next commission."

"Oh! yeah!" Paimon stows the gems in a pocket somewhere. "Paimon remembers it's at Dawn Winery! Are you ready to go?"

Cleaning up loose piles of hay. That's what I was paid 3,228 mora and 10 Primogems to do. I did get to use my new Anemo powers, which was prime. Unleashing a blast of air powerful enough to cut down enemies or blast them away? It's so bizarre.

My commissions for the day are pretty simple. Honestly, it's more like doing chores. If I have to do this every day, then so be it. I get to practice my swordsmanship and get a better understanding of my anemo abilities.

We are traveling down a path toward Mondstadt. It's getting dark out, so there aren't many locals around. I return to the Knights of Favonious headquarters, carrying a sleeping Paimon in my arms.

The hall is well lit and adorned in gold. This place is expensive. I make my way to Acting Grand Master Jean's office, only to find her waiting there for me.

"[Traveler]! I'm so glad to see you. Did you find your way around the city alright?"

"I ran into a couple of bumps, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle."

She smiles warmly. It's the kind of smile a mother would bestow upon a prodigal son. "Good to hear. Let me introduce you to Kaeya."

She turns to indicate a man whom I've been avoiding looking at. He's tall. Much taller than Jean or myself. And he's handsome. He's got dark blue hair and tan skin. His eyes are a brilliant icy blue. Well, he has one eye. The eyepatch makes him seem experienced and mysterious. If it weren't for his frivolous clothes and sparkling jewelry, he might have been a pirate. Though, the corset makes him look a bit like a lady pirate. His shirt is tight, and open in the front to reveal his muscular chest.

"You must be the Traveler. An honorary knight of favonious." His voice is silky smooth, like he's trying to put me under a spell. It's working. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

His eye. Icy blue and enchanting. He reminds me of someone I used to know... but why am I thinking of them now? I've always had such a hard time remembering my past, but suddenly bits and pieces are coming back to me.

"Kaeya. The pleasure is all mine."

I don't even know what he says after that. He and Jean exchange a few words, and I do my best not to stare at him. But it's hard. Not only is his outfit loud, but he is beautiful. Does Mondstadt have more people like this?

Suddenly, I can't wait to find out. Maybe living here and doing mundane chores for meager treasure isn't such a bad thing after all.

Ok hello this is the author. I hope you liked my first chapter! A lot of these are going to be pretty haphazard in the future... I'm at AR 38 now, and I started playing the game only a month ago. So I have endured a LOT of plot since I started playing, and things might get lost.

I want to hear from you! Who are your favorite characters? Do you have any ships? (I know I do). What is the most difficult enemy you've had to face so far? (Mine is Tartaglia!!)

Thank you for reading and going on this adventure with me!

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