"Well this works too" Hanma mumbled as he walked forward with me and my eyes widened slightly as he pressed the knife closer to my throat before leaning down to my ear "Just stay still and you'll be fine" he whispered and his breath tickled my ear as I stayed quiet.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" Hanma yelled out as everyone stopped moving when they saw me "N/N" Mikey whispered as he scowled at Hanma "I can see why you'd want her back, she's quite an interesting girl" Hanma said and he placed his chin above my head "I don't want to part with her so I won't" he said with amusement laced in his voice.

Mikey clenched his fists as he walked forward "Stop right there or I will slit her throat open" Hanma said as Mikey stopped moving "Give her back" Mikey said and Hanma hummed "Ah ah you weren't convincing enough" he said with a small chuckle as Draken made eye contact with me and I lowered my gaze to see him doing something with his hands.

I squinted my eyes as I saw him motioning for me to get out of his hold causing my eyes to widen slightly 'How the hell am I supposed to pull that off.....my throat will be cut before I even have a chance to blink' I thought as Mikey scowled "Just let her go!" he said and Hanma raised a brow "Why do you need her?" he asked and Mikey clenched his fists "She isn't yours to keep so give her back" he said and Hanma laughed "Well she's not yours either" he said and Mikey glared at him "She is" he said and I felt Hanma lower the knife a bit until it was right next to my stomach.

"I could gut her open like a fish, right now" Hanma threatened and I looked over to see Draken motioning for me to do it as I looked down slowly at the placement of the knife 'That's sloppy....it's like he's begging me to try and escape' I thought as I took a deep breath 'I get one chance' I thought as Mikey and Hanma were staring each other down.

His grip on my waist had gotten loose as well.

I moved.

I pushed my arm up and slammed my elbow down on his hand which seemed to catch him off guard because he dropped the knife but his hold on me tightened "Idiot" he muttered as Mikey ran towards us but Hanma placed his arms around my neck "I'll break it" he said and Mikey stopped as I lowered my eyes 'I could bite him' I thought as Hanma laughed "That caught me off guard a bit but it seems that you weren't fast enough N/N" he said and Mikey frowned "Don't call her that!" he snapped and Hanma smiled "Jealously is so ugly" he said and I opened my mouth and bit down so hard that I thought I had torn his flesh "DAMN IT" he yelled as he pushed me to the ground.

I groaned as he grabbed the knife and laughed "So stupid" he said as I looked up and saw Hanma about to stab me but someone pulled me out of the way.

It was Takemichi.

"Thank you" I whispered and he smiled "I did it....I think I really did it" he whispered and I raised a brow "Did what?" I asked and he shook his head with tears in his eyes "Nothing" he said and I hummed before standing up.

"This is going to be one hell of a throw down so take her to safety Takemitchy" Draken said and Takemichi nodded as he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards one of the pillars.

"Your head....that's quite a bruise" he said and I chuckled dryly "Don't remind me, it hurts like hell whenever I touch it" I mumbled and he sighed "I'm so glad....that you're alive" he whispered and I raised a brow 'This dude is so weird sometimes....' I thought as I rested my back against the pillar.

"Shit....what are they doing here?" Takemichi asked as some....big 3rd years stepped up.

"I'm guessing that you're on their shit list" I mumbled and he nodded as they began walking towards us "Ok I'll take the two on the left and you take the ones on the right" I said and his eyes nearly bulged out of his skull "W-what? We can't win this fight!" he said and I stared at him "Speak for yourself, I know how to fight but not so many guys at once.....if you could help then It would be appreciated" I muttered and he looked around to see Mikey fighting Hanma while everyone else was too busy with their own fights.

"Shit....if it's hand to hand combat then ok....wait where's Kiyomasa?" he questioned and I smirked "Who cares, let's do th-" I was cut off as I felt a sharp pain in my side and my eyes lowered to the warm and red liquid that was quickly forming as the knife was removed.

"You should always check your surroundings" Another third year, probably Kiyomasa had said as he smirked and beckoned for his friends to follow him as they scurried off.

"Cowards....." I mumbled as I held my side and Takemichi dropped to his knees "No.....No....I couldn't change anything.....Mikey is still going to......DAMN IT" He yelled as I fell to my knees as well "What the hell are you rambling on....." I drifted as I fell onto my non-bleeding side "It hurts.....Takemichi" I mumbled and he looked over at me "I'm so sorry Y/N....I couldn't prevent it" he whispered as I closed my eyes slowly.

No One's POV-

"SHIT NO Y/N!" Takemichi yelled as he kneeled beside the motionless girl.

"Shit....now Mikey's going to loose it" he whispered as he gripped his hair "Takemitchy what's going on?" Mikey called out from through the crowd and Takemichi felt tears welling in his eyes "It's Y/N" He called back and Mikey froze "WHAT ABOUT HER?" He called out and Takemichi clenched his jaw "SHE'S DEAD" He yelled out and everyone stopped moving as they all turned to Takemichi and the motionless girl with blood pouring out from her side.

Mikey and Hanma stared down at her body "....How did-...." Hanma drifted and Mikey turned to him "I'LL KILL YOU" He yelled as he jumped at him and Hanma barely had time to react before a punch was landed in his face which sent him back a bit.

Takemichi looked back at Y/N as he frowned "Mikey  is going to lose his mind....and then he'll go to jail and someone else is going to take over Toman...someone more cruel, all because of this one day" Takemichi whispered as Y/N coughed up blood and Takemichi's eyes snapped at her as he saw her breathing heavily "Stop mumbling....I'm really thirsty" she mumbled and his eyes widened 'Is she talking?' he wondered as he moved closer to her and she glared at him "Takemichi, get the fuck out of my face" she whispered as she coughed up more blood.

He quickly picked her up and began running, he didn't bother informing the others.

"Oh man oh man oh man" he mumbled as he placed her down and picked up his phone before calling the police and informing them off the situation.

"Y/N, You have to stay awake" Takemichi said and Y/N groaned "It's hard to sleep with all your bitching S/N" she whispered and his eyes widened slightly 'Who's S/N?' he wondered as he stared down at her "Y/N it's Takemichi" he said and Y/N hummed "Stop your bitching too" she mumbled and he sweat dropped "You know....I'm trying to save your life here" he said and his eyes widened as he saw tears streaming down her face "Sorry S/N...." she whispered as her voice cracked and he frowned a bit.

The sound of sirens could be heard and Takemichi smiled as he saw paramedics rushing towards them "WE'RE OVER HERE" He began waving his arms around as they ran over with a stretcher and lifted her onto it.

Takemichi hopped on the ambulance as well.

'She's going to live.....I'm going to change the future AGAIN'

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