Chapter 3

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It has been 3 days since Louis got shortlisted for the job and he still hasn't received any other mail from Styles Enterprise yet.

Niall is at his shift and Louis is just lounging in his room. The wait is killing him. Why can't they just announce the dates for the interview for god's sake. Louis decides to be a little productive and clean the apartment.

He connects his phone to the bluetooth and blasts some music. He plugs the vacuum to the switch and starts cleaning the carpet and floors.  When he's done with the vacuum cleaning, he begins dusting the furniture. After about an hour, the apartment is finally clean and Louis feels a sense of accomplishment.

It's already 1 in the noon and he decides to order Chinese takeout for lunch. After a while the food arrives and he sits himself on the couch and turns on the tv for something to watch while eating.

He's halfway done through his food, when his phone lights up from a notification. Louis checks it and sees there's a mail from the company finally revealing the date for the interview. Louis sighs a breath of relief but becomes nervous at the same time. He really doesn't want to fuck up this opportunity.


Harry sat in his office chair, flipping through the pages of important files. He had a meeting an hour later but he felt like he wasn't prepared enough. One more reason for needing an assistant.

The other day, Harry took matters in his own hands when his team sent him 500 applications out of which more than half were shit. Harry was furious. He threatened to fire them if he ever saw them this nonchalant. After all, they knew that if Harry wanted to, he would fire all of them in a heartbeat.

Harry had stayed up till late that day, shortlisting only 36 people out of the 300, whose applications he found decent.

Today, his team sent the details for the interview to these people. Harry really needed an assistant if he wanted to get back on track. He absolutely hated being vulnerable and him being not fully prepared for the meeting today would not be a good impression for the deal he was going to propose to them afterwards.

He sipped his coffee while looking at the files. Zayn comes in and catches Harry off gaurd. Harry glares at Zayn making him chuckle. "Do you not know how to knock?"

"Ya whatever" Zayn shrugs.

"What is it?" Harry asks.

"Hmm lemme think" Zayn puts on a thinking face while Harry grows more impatient by the minute. "Zayn" Harry warns.

"Harry, mate, you need to loosen up a bit! What do you achieve with that intimidating look of yours?" Zayn asks.

"I actually achieve a lot of things Zayn. People know not to fuck with me and that gets things done more quickly than a boss who's sweet with their employees only to find out later that their employees take advantage of them and shit. People should know who's the boss and I like being in control."

"Harry you need to move on. You need to understand that not everyone in the world is the same and there are people who are actually kind and do not take advantage of someone's situation. Harry you need to let people in and-"

Before Zayn could continue Harry interrupts his little speech, "Zayn I told you before and I'm telling you now that I don't want to talk about it. End of the fucking conversation." He says in a stern voice to which even Zayn obliges.

"And what is the point your trying to make anyway? Get to it already."

"The point I'm making here is that you need to let your gaurd down a bit, get drunk, have a little fun, get a life man! You remind me of my fucking 50 year old neighbour that smokes weed!"

"You know I can't do that. Besides I have a meeting in about 25 minutes so I would very much like for you to get to your work and let me do mine." Harry says clearly annoyed.

Zayn rolls his eyes and leaves Harry be. Harry slumps back down in his chair and rubs his hands over his face before going back to what he was doing.

The meeting went well but Harry still wasn't satisfied. They got the deal which Harry was quite happy for. He couldn't lose these potential clients which will be really beneficial if they sign the contract. Harry just hopes that he'll find a decent assistant till then.


Louis is currently watching Ginny and Georgia when he hears the door open with a click. He pauses the show and greets Niall. They talk as usual.

Louis makes tea for the both of them while Niall goes to shower. After Niall freshens up they situate themselves on the couch, tea in hand and the show playing in the background.

Louis starts, "I finally got the date of the interview!"

Niall chuckles, "Dude I was beginning to think that they changed their mind"

"Hey that's mean!" Louis fake gasps.

"Hahaha I'm just kidding. So when is the interview?"

"It's on Monday"

"That means you have approximately 2 days to prepare for the forbidden interview" Niall jokes.

"I hope the interview goes well."

"Mate the interview's not until Monday and today is Friday. You have the entire weekend to prepare. You'll be fine."

"Ya you're right. I shouldn't stress too much."

"You know what I'm thinking?"


"Maybe we should have ice-cream" Niall suggests to which Louis agrees (I mean come on, it's icecream, who wouldn't!?). Ice-cream really helps calming his nerves. They decide to take a stroll through the park near their apartment and get the icecream from there.

Louis locks the apartment door before putting the keys in his pocket. They then take the elevator and reach the ground floor from where they leisurely stroll to the park.

Once they reach the park, they spot the mini icecream shop and go towards it's direction. Once they reach there, Louie orders a mint chocolate chip for himself and a neopolitan for Niall. They wait for their orders impatiently, well Niall is the impatient one. After they get their orders, they pay for it and sit on a bench near the icecream shop.

"How are things with Liam going?" Louis asks Niall with a faint smile.

"They're going fucking amazing! Liam actually came to my shift today and asked for a coke and then I blushed a bit and he said that I should not hide it and that I look cute" Niall says blushing remembering the first time him and Liam met.

"That's great. He sounds like a nice guy."

"He is! He treats me so lovingly and is always so sweet. He's like the baby I never had."

"What the fuck Niall? A baby!? Really?" Louis bursts out in laughter. Niall cannot control the grin that stretches across his face and they both laugh together. The people passing them must be thinking they're some kind of psychopaths. But Louis and Niall don't give a damn.

It's these moments with Niall that really keeps him going. He loves his friend to death and is really grateful to have such an amazing friend like Niall who's always had his back and supported him through thick and thin. Niall's laugh can really make anyone's day. It's very contagious.

After their laughter dies down and they finish their ice-creams, they decide to go back to their apartment.

Ok so here's chapter 3! (It was kind of boring 😅)
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Hope you're having a good day/night ❤️

Thanks for reading besties! <3

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