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Eren leaned on the counter arms crossed and he sighed glaring up at the ceiling 10 ft above. 

"What?" His co-worker… no colleague asked. 

"Bertoltold I'm so fucking bored, there's been no customers for three hours." Eren said and his taller friend smiled softly. 

"On nights like these I bring my book to the til," his friend said and rubbed his neck. " Don't tell the manager." He said.

"Duck no I won't," Eren sneered. "I'd only tatal of you told me you snorted a line of coke in the washroom." 

Indigintant noises came from Bertoltold and the guys shook his head. " My families religious, I'd be kicked out if that ever happened." 

"As amusing as this conversation is, get to work," both teens looked up to see Ymir scowl. 

"There's nothing to fucking for," Eren muttered but strode away leaving Bertoltold still behind the cash register ready to help any customer that entered the shop. 

The door opened letting a gust of cold atum air into the building and Eren smiled his Customer service smile. 

"Let me know if you need help," he said to the man who stood there. 

The man was pretty hot, black hair cut in an undercut with the top being parted perfectly dressed in a suit and an expensive watch on his wrist. 

"Where's your duvet covers located?" He asked. 

"Lane 6 half way down to your right." Eren responded the man nodded and strode off. 


 "I'm so bored" Eren groaned later that night, 3 more hours left and nothing to fucking do. 

"Write a book, start a blog, go take a shat, clean the shatty toilets," Bertoltold suggested. 

"Ill record-setting singing," Eren said softly to himself and strode to the Kiosk. Grabbing a bite of sticker paper he slipped a tiny piece onto his camera and hummed softly. 

Not sure on what song he wanted to sing.

Finally deciding on a song he loved  he began his version of a cover song. Keeping it as originally and his.

Birdy T Shirt by Lauren Francis. 

Once he was finished he made his fake account on YouTube a d posted, making a platform of social media and posting it and the link there. 30 minutes after posting the video, Eren followed his friends account and a few music industries ones and closed his phone. Heart pounding and his breathing a bit ragged. 

Palms sweaty with nervousness on what he'd done Eren prayed he just didn't embarrass himself. 

"Eren," looking up Eren saw Mikasa standing in the door way. "Dads waiting in the cat, time to go, or did you forget that you're off at 5?" The girl asked. 

"Shit, how time flies when you're having fun." Eren agreed sarcastically. "Later Bert, at least you only have half an hour left," the siblings left the building. 


Eren glanced at his phone and wondered if be should check his social media, after leaving work he turned his phone on, cleared any and all notifications without looking at them and turned notifications off and sat idly rapping his pencil on paper and thinking. 

Singing, art and music where his hobbies and he wondered how he could incorporate them more into his life. 

He honestly didn't need to work, but it was extra credit on his growing research and extra cash. 

 BuT he was bored at work and wanted to do stuff but was restrained by hours. 

"I want to rejoin the swim club," Eren said outloud and his father turned to look at him in the passenger seat. 

"At least you're still attending the meetings, they know about your injury a d know its healed enough for you too." Dr. Grisha Jeager agreed. 

"good for you Eren," Mikasa said and patted his shoulder. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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