Part 1 - The Simpsons.

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Heyyyy. So this is my first Simpsons fan fiction. This one is going to centre around Bart x reader. So I hope you enjoy!

You're outside helping your father unload the truck. You moved to Springfield last night, and there was still a lot of unpacking to do. Your mom hums happily and carries her kitchen box into the house.
Things would sure be different now that you were started a new school, and living somewhere miles from home. You help your dad carry a table to the front door as you notice a little girl playing hopscotch outside two doors down. She was a cutie for sure. Her little bow in her blonde hair,  bubble blower in her hand.
"Hey dad, we have neighbours!" You exclaim, excited to see that you may even rope yourself into a babysitting job.
"She's so cute!" You giggle, waving to the little girl. The blonde child waves back with her bubble blower , bubbles floating towards you.
"Go say hi!" Your dad says, unloading the last bit of furniture from the truck
"Really?" You ask, smiling wide.
"Of course, (y/n)." Your father disappears into your new house.

Excitedly, you run a few houses down towards the little girl. She sweetly smiles up at you silently happy dancing. She seemed about five or six, but for some reason she remained mute.
"What's your name?" You ask, kneeling to her.
She just stared, smiling and pointing at her bubble blower.  (Maggie never speaks in the show and is always presented as mute since she's never spoken, hence she's always been a baby, which is why I choose to keep her that way.)

"Ouuu bubbles!" You smile, reaching out to take the bubble wand, blowing a few bubbles.
The little girl smiles widely, dancing among the bubbles.
"Maggie! What lovely chalk drawings!" Marge called as she walked out towards her daughter. "Oh, do I know you?" Marge asked you, wondering who you might be.
"Oh, no! I just moved here." You reply shyly.

"Well welcome to the nighborhood! I'm Marge Simpson." She smiles warmly.
Little Maggie smiled big, hugging you gently.
"Maggie seems to like you!" Marge chuckled.

You smile sweetly, glad to know the little girl finds you interesting.
"She's so cute! I saw her playing and came over to say hi!" You smile and stand up, putting your hands in your pockets. "My name is (y/n), it's nice to meet you!"
"Lovely to meet you, (y/n)!" Marge took Maggie's hand and walked up towards the front door.
"I have a son, two daughters, and a very handsome husband." Marge smiled, sitting on the door step as Maggie began to play around with chalk again.
"You have more kids?" You ask excitedly.

"Yes! Lisa and Bart." Marge watched Maggie draw flowers, resting her hand against her cheek.
"Are they Maggie's age?" You ask, looking around to see if you could spot any other children.

"Oh, no. Bart and Lisa are in high school." Marge explained.
You perk up, a smile growing across your lips. The Simpsons had kids close to your age!
"I'm in high school too!" You exclaim, smiling widely.
Marge looks up at you, equally as excited. "Really?! Hmm. Well then, you have to meet them!" She got up and called for them.
"Bart! Lisa! Come here!" She was almost as excited as you were.
New friends would be nice, especially since you knew nobody in Springfield.

Two teenagers walked outside, one perky and smiling, white pearls around her neck and a soft orange tank top and jeans. "Hi! I'm Lisa!" She smiled. Lisa was gorgeous, and seemed so nice. "And this is my brother, Bart!" She gestured to Bart, who stood in a green hoodie and skinny jeans. His blonde hair seemed to flow down in front of his face a little, his face expressionless.
"Yeah, hey." Bart muttered, kind of peeved his mother dragged him downstairs.

Your heart instantly melted. He was the cutest guy you've ever laid eyes on!
"Oh, uh. Hey." You smile shyly, putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. You can't help but stare at him, your cheeks feeling hot. You hope he doesn't notice you staring, and quickly look at Lisa instead.
"Nice to meet you!" Lisa exclaims, walking towards you excitedly. "Do you like jazz?" She asks, clamping her hands together in anticipation.

"Jazz is cool." You reply with a smile. You can tell Lisa immediately saw you as friend material.
Bart however, he seemed a little harder to crack. You found yourself staring at the boy again, your heart skipping a beat.
Bart looks back at you, his eyes locking with yours. You nervously look away, and then back at him a few moments later.
He was still looking at you. You gulped.
Bart smirked a little, rubbing the back of his neck, as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.

Was he blushing?! You thought, trying not to freak out. He's totally blushing.

"I can show you some of my jazz records if you like!" Lisa grabbed you by the arm and pulled you towards the house.
"I have to ask my dad first!" You say, giggling softly.
"Call him from inside!" Marge suggested, ruffling Barts hair in a motherly manner.

"Mom!" Bart exclaimed, flipping his hair back into place. He groaned and walked inside.
You giggle, thinking he couldn't get any cuter.
"Okay!" You agree and walk inside, locating the Simpsons home phone. You pick it up, and dial your parents cellphone.
"Hey, mom, is it okay if I stay next door for a while? They have kids my age!" You explain I'm excitement.
After you get your mothers approval, you squeal happily. "Thanks mom!"
You hang up, and spin around to Lisa with a smile. "Show me those records!"

Lisa smiled widely, grabbing you by the hand. "Let's go!"

You both run upstairs into Lisa's tidy and well kept bedroom, the walls a soft shade of purple.

"Your room is so nice!" You sit on the edge of Lisa's bed, admiring her good taste.

"My room is better." A voice muttered from the doorway. You turn to see Bart Simpson smirking, leaning against the doorframe.

You grin, checking him out unintentionally.

"It is not. You're such a pig." Lisa shot back, taking her records out from her closet and placing one onto her record player.

You listen as the jazz starts, instantaneously becoming mellow. Jazz certainly was calming.

Bart rolled his eyes at Lisa's remark, his eyes then shifting back to you. "Hey, (y/n), Are you enrolling to Springfield high?"

You blush, internally screaming. The cute guy is talking to you. "Um yeah! Soon I will be." You shyly look away.

"I bet we'll be the best of friends!" Lisa sits beside you on her bed, gently swaying her head to her record.

"Yeah! Same here." You agree, already feeling comfortable in the Simpson house.

To be continued

Bart Simpson x reader Where stories live. Discover now