nick and sonic pals part 2

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Last time nick speed met sonic and the gang but there meeting was busted when doctor eggman invaded and sonic and nick stopped him now eggman and his army invaded station square
Doctor eggman:haaaaaaa the plan is working the city is mine to control
Doctor eggman:sonic
Sonic: we are going to stop you
Nick: yeah
Eggman: e-8.000 destroy sonic
Nick: oh wow that robot is huge
Then out of no where classic sonic showed up and helped our heroes
Sonic: classic me
Nick: sonic heres the chaos emeralds
Sonic super sonic style!!!!!!
Then sonic classic sonic and nick turned super and battled eggmans huge robot
And then eggmans robot was destroyed and eggman gave up
Eggman: I will be back sonic you fool
Nick: we did it we saved the world
And then the whole world cheered for sonic classic sonic and nick

THE END. Heroes: sonic nick and classic
Villains: eggman zavok metal sonic and chaos

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