Into The Sky Where Cherry Blossoms Flutter

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3rd Person Pov

Two young boys stand in a large grass field looking at the night sky with the stars shining brightly. Next to the two boys were to robots as they looked at the sky with them. Ziggy, who was a tall robot, built with a demonic appearance. The majority of his body appears to be in a silver, metallic coating, as well as black in certain areas on his body. He has a skull face and wears a gold crown with a dark purple jewel in the middle and he has large, gold horns protruding from either side of the crown. He adorns himself with a large, red cape with gold trimmings with two gold skeletons on each shoulder. His chest appears to have a large opening with sharp spikes sticking, making it resemble a mouth. The second robot , Michael, was a short machine with a very simple design. His head is maroon, large and ovular in shape; he has no visible eyes but two sunken holes in their place, and he has thin, rod-like neck and limbs. He wears a pointed hat and a green cloak with golden stripes and covers his hands with white fabric gloves. The two boys look at the sky before seeing one shining more brightly than the others as it trailed across the sky slowly. The two boys were named Shiki and Y/n as they looked at it in awe.

Shiki: Look! A shooting star!

Ziggy: "Actually, it's a dragon."

Y/n: *gasps in awe* That's a dragon?!

Michael: "No, I suspect it's a comet."

The two look at Michael in shock as Ziggy looked at the two.

Ziggy: "I really had you too there."*laughs*

Shiki: Hey, what's the deal? Weren't you the one that taught us not to tell lies, Grandpa?

Y/n: Yeah! You said lying was a bad thing to do.

Ziggy: *looks at Y/n & Shiki* "Do you know for sure that it's a lie? *looks at night sky* Unless your able to see it up close, how can you be certain that it's not a dragon?"

Shiki: But there's no way that me or Y/n could get that high up, Grandpa.

Ziggy: "Well, there are many things that you'll never truly know if you stay here. That's why I hope that one day, you and Y/n will leave here. To visit other lands, meet a great number of people, and make many, many good friends along the way."

Ziggy rubs Y/n and Shiki's head as they look at him in confusion.

Shiki: What's a friend?

Ziggy: "The most important thing that one can have in this world. A friend stands with you, come rain or shine. If you ever find a friend who will shed tears for you, cherish that person forever. Like how you and Y/n are, you are friends, but treat each other as brothers."

Y/n: But that also means we have Michael! So that means we can all be friends, right, Michael?

Y/n and Shiki both pull on Michael's arm and smile as the small robot continued to look forward before turning his head.

Michael: "Affirmative."

Shiki and Y/n smile as Shiki held Michael's hand while Y/n looked at Ziggy and held his arms out. Ziggy looked at the young boy before picking him up and sitting him on his shoulders as Y/n smiled and looked at the sky.

Y/n: Grandpa?

Ziggy: "Yes, Y/n?"

Y/n: What's on the other side of the sky?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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