Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Mor suddenly clapped her hands excitedly, "Oh I know! We should go to Rita's tonight! We are still waiting for a response from the Mortal Queens and Aelin has never had a night out with us in Velaris."

The males, beside Cassian, immediately began to grumble and I had to choke down a laugh that threatened to erupt. I pursed my lips, pretending to think it over, looking over to Mor, "Will there be drinks at this Rita's?"

Her eyes glimmered with mischief, "Drinks, lots of drinks, plus dancing!"

I smirked, "Sold."

Two hours later, Mor and I had consumed a bottle of wine as she introduced me to the joys of Prythian party clothes. By the time we met up with the males for our night out, we were giggling and glowing with mischief. I had never allowed myself to become close to another female before Nehemia, and there was a subtle comfort that came from my time with the golden fae. Our friendship was light and pure, but by no means weak. Together we were stronger.

For me that is. If you took into account the tortured groans that arose from my males as the sight of what Mor had dressed me in, you might say we were a nightmare together.

Personally, I thought that was better.

I had to conceal my smirk at the males as they eyed me with barely concealed lust. I had let Mor dress me in her signature color, and I had to say that the fierce, red gown looked rather magnificent. The neckline plunged from delicate straps, and the bodice fit tight, hugging my curves. From the roaming eyes, my mates clearly appreciated it.

I caught eyes with Rowan, who looked slightly dazed. Are you trying to kill me, Fireheart?

I blinked innocently back at him, Don't you like the fashion of the Night Court, Buzzard?

He groaned and I had to suppress my amusement. That changed quickly when I felt a sensuous claw scratch at my mental shields. I fought back a shiver as Rhysand purred down the bridge I had left open for him, You look absolutely delicious my goddess. However, I do think that dress would look better crumpled on my bedroom floor.

The images he flashed down our bond were almost enough to make me blush.

Besides me, Mor rolled her eyes and an evil grin toyed at my lips. "Well, are we going out or not?"

Together, we turned and marched towards the door, exposing the rear of my gown with dipped down low, exposing my entirety of my back, ruching deliciously underneath my ass. The symphony of growls and curses behind me made my grin widen into a real smile.

Before I knew it we were entering Rita's, a boisterous dance hall with games, a fully stocked bar and private booths surrounding the edge of the floor. The males went off to capture a booth while Mor and I ventured to the bar in search of drinks. I allowed Mor to place our order while I observed the dimly lit venue. Fae laughed and chatted, dancing seductively on the dance floor. The shadowed booths only barely hid the carnal acts being committed within them while aggressive bets were argued over among the gaming tables. There was a freedom here that was more intoxicating than any alcohol I had ever tasted, and I swore there would be a place like this in Orynth one day.

As I was observing the space, a tall fae male approached out of the corner of my eye. I could feel his lecherous perusal of me and I bit my lip to stop my laughter. This could be quite entertaining. He moved closer, casually leaning towards me as he settled beside me. His hand, not so subtly, grazed my ass as he leaned his arm against the bar. I felt four pairs of eyes zero in on that movement and it was all I could do not to laugh.

"I haven't seen you here before," he drawled in an attempt to sound seductive. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at that attempt of flirting.

Without looking at him, I replied, "You could say I'm not from around here."

He shifted closer, "Oh? Not many fae visit Velaris. What makes you so special? Besides the obvious of course."

I felt his eyes drag up and down my figure, and felt nothing but disdain. Ever so casually, I slipped my knife from my thigh holster as he leered closer. I could feel his oppressive body heat as I tsked at him, "Much more than you will ever know. Especially with survival instincts like this."

With that I allowed him to feel my knife against his pathetically small member and smirked at him. His face lost all color, eyes widening in terrifying realization that he was completely outclassed.

Although I had it entirely under control, apparently this was too much for my mate as I suddenly felt him pressed up behind me. His voice was nearly unrecognizable as he growled, "Why, exactly, are you so close to my mate?"

I nearly laughed at the utterly petrified look on the male as he stuttered out, "H-High Lord?"

I think this night would be fun indeed. 

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