Start from the beginning

I have reached the high grounds. I can see one of the Tiger II stopped to hide near the buildings, while the other 4 advanced through. I'm assuming the hidden Tiger II is the flag carrier.

"Stay in cover! Use the buildings to your advantage!"

One hit and they're down. My plan is to fire to distract the Tiger IIs. When they are distracted, my platoon will get out of cover to fire.

"Third Platoon, what's your distance to the Tigers?"

"90 meters!"

"85 meters"

"95 meters!"

"87 meters!"

"On my mark, go out of cover and take your shot. Aim center mass."


"Loader, load APCBC! Toby, when i tap your back, take your shot."






It hits the side of the second Tiger II from the right. The first Tiger II from the right starts to point it's gun at me. When it's just a quarter left from my direction


The third platoon came out from the buildings. They fire.



The tiger that pointed it's gun at me has been neutralized.

"Report in!"

"Two of ours are down. 2 Tiger has been knocked out!"

Two Tiger IIs are left. I can see a flash from where the hidden Tiger II is.


"Another one of ours has been knocked out!"


"We have knocked out the last advancing Tiger!"

I can see another flash from the hidden Tiger direction.


"Argh, we are down!"

"Third platoon, you all have done your part. Good job. Firefly out."

I switched to the commander's com line.

"Third platoon, we have defeated 4 out of the Tiger IIs. I have reasons to believe the last Tiger II is the opponent's flag carrier. Only the firefly is left. Over."

"Second platoon, we have defeated the 5 Panthers. I'm the only survivor desu wa."

"Then only the Tiger II is left. All tanks, to third platoon position."

I suddenly can hear a loud engine noise. Ah, it's Rosehip.

"What's the situation desu wa?"

"Rosehip, can you lure the Tiger II out of it's hiding spot?"

"Leave it to me desu wa~"

She zooms in towards the Tiger II. She's flanking it from behind.



The Tiger II is turning towards Rosehip, leaving it's back hull exposed.



It got Rosehip.




I got 'em.

"Kuromorimine flag tank has been knocked out. Getting visual confirmation.... St. Gloriana has won the match!"

Total loss

Kuromorimine = 15 Tanks

St. Gloriana = 8 Tanks

"YES! Good work everyone!" As I gave Toby and my loader a high five.

"Good work everyone." Said Darjeeling.

We won! This is the first time in forever since St. Gloriana has victory over Kuromorimine! I'm sure the alumnae will appreciate our effort.

After the match, we have a tea party on the school ship. I was talking with the second platoon when



"Come with me for a moment."

"Huh? Darjeeling-sama has been getting closer with Y/N lately."


"Are you guys dating desu wa?"


"Sorry... "

"Ahh, don't feel down. Maybe we are~"

"Ah-" Gasp Darjeeling.

"Let's go."

We went through the backdoor of the ballroom and into the tea garden.

She hugs me "You did it!" Yeah, we haven't properly talked since the match.

"It was a team effort."

"Your tank knocked out 6 tanks in a match. That's something."

"Without you I wouldn't be able to do it."


"You're the one who asked me to be a tank commander. That's why... thank you."

"I... did that on a whim... "

"How so?"

"Assam was supposed to be the one commanding it. But... I know you're passionate about tanks and... I wanted to get close to you." Her face is getting red.

"Ahh... so that's how it was. Well then, you made the right decision."

"Y/N, last year we lost the tournament because of Kuromorimine. Having a victory over them already made me happy."

"What do you mean?"

"Our next opponent.... Oarai... Even though I have beat them twice. They did beat Kuromorimine with only 8 tanks in the final."

"So you don't want to win?"

"No. But I don't care if we didn't. 'The most important lessons in life are all condensed into senshado. But most people don't realize that.' or so what the commander of Jatkosota said. I think I've figured it out. You are my first love. That makes me realize, it doesn't matter if we win. As long as you'll be here for me."

"Darjeeling... "

She's looking at me, with trustful eyes. I just realized, she only ever asked me to help her win.

"What will the alumnae say if we lose?"

"I don't care. Our victory against Kuromorimine was already enough to satisfy them."

"Then... let's have fun and give them a good match."

She smiles "Yes."  

A Love In The Tea Garden (Girls und Panzer | Darjeeling | Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now