28: forensic pathology ☆

Start from the beginning

"Hey! John B!" Kiara yelled when the boy ignored his friends going straight into the chateau.

"What's up with him?" Emerson asked, as she followed Pope and Kiara.

"Okay that's it?"

"Uh... what's that all about?" Pope asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same question," JJ replied as he got out of the hot tub. The pogues and Emerson followed John B into the chateau. They all looked at him in confusion as he rummaged through the house, clearly in search of something.

"You all right, man? What- what's up?" Pope asked, as he moved to stand behind John B.

"What are you looking for?" Kiara asked.

"Bro, what's going on?" JJ asked. John B didn't answer as he began to search around the couch. Everyone froze for a moment as John B pulled the gun out of its hiding spot. "John B, what do you need the gun for?" JJ asked as he stepped towards his best friend. "Talk to us!" JJ yelled but John B shoved him backwards.

"What the hell?" Emerson yelled at him, but he just ignored her.

"John B, chill!" Kiara shouted. John B didn't listen and he tried to storm past the group but Pope stood in front of him, holding his arms out. "What are you doing?"

"What, are you JJ now?" Pope asked him, right before John B shoved the boy out of his way.

"Shit- are you okay?" Kiara asked Pope, moving to stand by him. Kiara didn't wait for an answer as she quickly went to follow after John B. "John B, what the hell are you doing?"

"You good?" Emerson asked JJ as he walked by her. He simply nodded as they kept walking to follow John B. When they got out the door John B had already hopped onto the dirt bike, and started up the engine.

"John B, what the hell?!" Kiara yelled as she ran out the door.

"Ward knows about the gold," John B announced, but nobody knew who he was talking about. He turned back to look at them, hair flipping over his eyes. Then he looked right at Emerson with pure anger in his eyes and said, "He killed my dad!"

Everyone froze when those words left his mouth. John B turned back around then started to drive off. Everyone ran off to follow the boy but Emerson didn't, she stood frozen in her spot. She was still trying to process what he said, it didn't make sense. Ward wasn't a killer, at least she didn't think he was.

"John B!" Kiara yelled but her voice got drowned out in Emerson's mind.

JJ turned back around, his eyes falling on Emerson who wore a confused expression on her face. She knew Ward her entire life, he wasn't a killer. He couldn't be. He was like an uncle to her. He was part of her family.

"Emerson?" JJ asked as he stepped up to her. Kiara and Pope were looking at each other frantically as they tried to figure out what to do. "Emerson!" he yelled, snapping her out of the trance she'd been in.

"What did John B say?" She asked, even though she'd heard him perfectly.

"Ward killed his father," JJ answered. "He killed Big John."

"No," Emerson said, shaking her head. "No. I've known him my whole... my whole life." She turned away from JJ running her hands through her hair. "He's- He's like my uncle. He's not a killer... He's just not."

"We have to go!" Kiara yelled as she and Pope began running to the dock. It was clear that they were all in a bit of shock and none of them knew the best way to handle the situation.

"Just give us a minute!" JJ yelled at her, before turning back to Emerson.

"He killed him. Ward killed Big John," Emerson muttered under her breath, like she was trying to process the words she was saying.

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