My love

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" As you listen to your Vocaloid mixtape you begin to feel hungry." You- Well better go get a snack. " As you walk to your kitchen you hear something fall in your room, as you walk back to your room you then see a girl on your bed with a gray-black dress with blue-green hair."

You- W-what t-the h-hell? H-Hastune M-Miku?

Hastune Miku- Master I am here for your pleasure.

You- O-okay b-but c-can y-you call m-me (y/n), o-okay?

Hastune Miku- Yes, Master (y/n)

" The next day as you arrive at you at school and as you walk down the halls your bestfriend (which is a female) Lucia front of you and says.."

Lucia- Hey (y/n) what's up?

You- Not much just going to science. Hey did you hear about..

" You notice a group of people circling around someone."

You- Hey Lucia what's going on?

Lucia-* turns mad* Oh you mean the new girl.. she had apprently moved from a far away country, she's now the most popular girl.

You- Well let's go be nice and say hi to her.

" As you walk towards the crowd you seem to be remembering the incident. You go back to what happened to you in your bedroom."

You- How d-did you a-appear?

Hastune Miku- I have been watching you Master (y/n) with those other girls, when your supposed to be with me, Master (y/n)!

You- How a-am I suppose to b-be with y-you wen I-I barely k-know you.

Hastune Miku- Well let's start off by saying if I see you with another girl I will kill her so that she won't be in the way of our love, Master (y/n).

You- L-love? W-what l-love?

Hastune Miku- You don't love me Master(y/n)?

" She then grabs a pair of scissors on your desk and has them pointed at your heart."


You- Stop I never said I-I didn't l-love you I-I j-just said w-what love...

Hastune Miku- Well, Master (y/n), do you love me?

You- Well, yes I guess.

Hastune Miku*lauching herself at you*- Master (y/n), I will make you love me!

"You then hit your head on the carpet and go back to the present moment and see a figure coming at you."

Yandere Hastune Miku x Male Reader x Yandere Female FriendWhere stories live. Discover now