"Why are you doing this....?" I asked and he laughed "Causing chaos just gives me so much energy.....don't take it personal, although maybe you should" he laughed as he dropped my hair and I fell to my knees.

"I'll be back" he said as he walked out of the room and slammed the door shut.

I fell onto my side as I tried my best to stay up but the pain in my head was overbearing and soon enough, I passed out.

Mikey's POV-

"No....No she was supposed to be here" Takemitchy said as he looked around and he gripped onto his hair "Why is no one here?" he asked himself as I clenched my jaw "Takemitchy....where the hell is she?" I asked and he turned to me and Ken-Chin "I....I don't know....I-I thought that Hanma and his gang were here" he said and Ken-Chin sighed "Well they're not so we have to keep looking" he said as I stormed out of the abandoned building.

"Mikey, I'm going to need you to calm down" Ken-Chin said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and I ran a hand through my hair "This shouldn't have happened" I muttered and he sighed "I know but we'll find her" he said and I nodded slowly as Takemitchy stepped forward "I think I know where else she could be" He said and we turned to him.

"Follow me"

Y/N's POV-

I woke up to the sound of something hitting the floor repeatedly.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Hanma standing in front of me as he hit the floor over and over again with a wooden bat causing me to move back quickly and he laughed.

"Oh that was amusing to watch" he said as he sat in front of me with the bat behind him.

"Let's play a game" He said and I raised a brow "W-....what game?" My hoarse voice came out and he smirked "I'll ask you some questions but here's the twist" he said as he placed the bat in his lap "If you don't answer a question then I'll beat you with this bat" he said and my eyes widened in horror "Understand?" he asked and I nodded slowly as he grinned. "Ok, how old are you?" He asked as he tapped his finger on the bat "15" I said and he hummed "There was no one home when I came in so where are you parents?" he asked and I scowled "Dead" I said and his eyes widened slightly as he grinned "Then do you live alone?" he asked and I shook my head "With my sister" I said as he ran one of his fingers along the bat.

"How do you know Mikey?" he asked and I looked down "I met him on the sidewalk" I said and he raised his bat "Oh really?" he asked and I clenched my eyes shut "Yes! Because another guy was messing with me and he just helped me out" I said quickly and I opened my eyes to see his face an inch away from mine.

I could feel his breath on me.

"That's a lie" He said and my eyes remained wide "It's...not" I said and he backed up a bit "Mikey wouldn't do that for just anyone, he doesn't even talk to people that he's not interested in" he said and I felt my blood run cold 'Damn it.....' I thought as he sighed "But I suppose that it wouldn't be fair to beat you since I don't know if you're really lying or not....I suppose that he could've felt generous that day" he said as he put his hand over half of his face "Who am I kidding?" he asked and I scooted back as he stood up with the bat raised above his head.

"You were lying, I don't like liars" He said and I shook my head "PLEASE STOP!" I yelled out and he raised a brow "Please....Mikey help me" I whispered and his eyes widened slightly as he lowered his bat "So tell me again about your relationship with the boy" he said and my eyes widened slightly as I saw that he had sat down once more.

'Why didn't he hit me.....?'

"We're friends" I said and he smiled "But at your time of need.....you asked for him to save you" he said and my eyes widened slightly "Why is that?" he asked and I looked down "Because he always saves me" I whispered and his eyes lowered "I see" he said as he placed the bat besides him.

"Back to my questions" he said as he leaned forward "Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked with his head tilted to the side and I got a really uneasy feeling in my stomach "No" I answered shortly and he smirked "Where was your sister when I came over?" he asked and I looked down "At work" I said and he hummed "Are you friends with Draken?" he asked and I nodded slowly "Verbal answers only" he said and I frowned "Yes" I said and he smiled "Sounds like you could use some water" he mused and I narrowed my eyes at the ground.

"If you ask then I'll get you some" He said and my eyes widened slightly as I looked up at him but he wasn't smiling "Do you want water?" he asked 'He'd probably put something in it' I thought as I looked away "No" I said and he raised a brow but didn't ask again.

"So do you think Mikey's going to save you?" he asked and my heart stopped 'Does he even know that I'm gone?' I wondered as I frowned and he laughed lightly "Ah ah you don't" he said and I looked away as he grabbed my chin with his hands and forced me to look at him.

"Maybe I won't kill you" He said as he smiled and I felt my hands beginning to shake as he leaned in closer and I clenched my eyes shut before feeling something warm pressing against my forehead.

He kissed me?

I opened my eyes as he leaned back and grabbed his bat before walking off "I'll be back" he said as he opened the door and left the room and I let out a breath that I hadn't even realized that I've been holding.

"What the hell.....just happened?" I questioned quietly as I leaned my head against the cold wall and sighed "Mikey.....please come" I mumbled as I attempted to fall asleep again.

A/N- If you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<3

A/N- If you enjoyed this chapter then please leave a vote and comment, any and all support means a lot<3

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