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Some people read books to escape reality.

Slipping away from the truth of the bores in the world was a lot easier than living the hardcore truth, and so reading about happiness of imaginary people brought them a sense of comfort.

Others read whilst they wish for a life they cannot have, to fill the empty space in their heart with dreams that will never come true. The reader will always know that their dream won't come true, but pretending it will makes them feel better, it temporarily fills that empty space in their heart. Some people read books to escape reality.

Adelaide Carla Winters didn't know which category she fit into; though she did know that she did not like her school, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.

In her opinion, the schools standards of themselves were far too high. The girls were rather strange, very prestige and self absorbed. Everything was competitive; people weren't there for an education, no. They were there to build their social status, to join modeling agencies and to show off their talents to high paying companies.

And that is why Addie tried her hardest to get expelled.

Her parents were rather uptight, they worked for the French ministry of magic, and so social class and looking good were their top priorities. They threw parties in their pretty house and only liked their furniture to look good, even if that meant it didn't feel nice; Adelaide avoided the uncomfortable sofas and hard chairs with everything she could.

The older couple enjoyed to brag about their daughter being in such a perfect school with perfect grades. They had plans for her future, plans that included marrying a rich man and living the same life her ancestors had done.

Addie disagreed.

She enjoyed art, painting to be precise. She had plans to open a small shop...maybe one in muggle London, she would sell her work and maybe some books, it would be a small and closed life with the people she loved and she'd enjoy every moment of it. At Christmas she would decorate her home (preferably a small cottage) with beautiful decorations, and she would string tinsel and fairy lights around her store and keep it festive. Christmas was definitely her favourite time of year.

She just knew she wouldn't follow the path her parents took. It didn't seem very appealing, let alone enjoyable.

Originally, she and her mother had been living in England. She grew up with her bestfriend, James Potter, and spent almost everyday with him, but then her mum met Daniel, her stepfather, and she pretty much packed their life away and shipped them off to France without a second thought.

Daniel was a dick, if you asked Addie. He twisted her mothers mind into politics and class, he taught her the 'importance' of looking good. He didn't care for families or love and acceptance, and he made sure her mother followed that route, turning her into a nasty person, someone who frowned upon her daughter whenever she did something as small as express herself.

This left Adelaide to fend for herself, though she didn't really mind. Being alone wasn't a problem for her, it just gave her more time to focus on the things she loved, including writing letters to her long time friend, James.

James was extremely lucky. His parents, Euphemia and Fleamont, were probably the sweetest people Addie had ever met. They were so warm hearted, so kind and loving, they never cared about the way their family looked to the public.

He was also lucky because he got to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Adelaide loved the idea of Hogwarts. She had read books on the houses, the house elfs, the halls, the portraits. Hogwarts seemed like the type of place that felt like home and Adelaide would do anything to be apart of it.

So that's exactly what she did.

Rule breaking wasn't something she was entirely keen on, though as Madame Maxine became stricter and the Beauxbatons girls became bitchier, she was left with no choice.


It wouldn't take much to get kicked out of Beauxbatons, Addie had seen it done before. Just break the uniform rules, break the curfew and perhaps slip in a few pranks whilst you're at it. That was how she planned to get removed, and currently, she was at her peek of expulsion.

She may have slipped a bucket of paint over a particularly rude girls head, and she may have disregarded her uniform all together, selecting a pair of muggle jeans and a top instead, it was much comfier.

"Mademoiselle Winters!" The sharp voice of Madame Maxine roared, her accent thick as she glared at the fifteen year old stood before her. "My office, now."

Adelaide's French skills were rather off, Maxine had told her that her accent was off putting, and usually used English when speaking to Addie.

Grinning, Adelaide skipped to the head mistresses office, excited to hear whether or not she had been expelled or not.

As they entered the office, Addie  froze when she saw her mother and stepfather sitting in the seats.

That would be an exciting conversation.


Adelaide did as she was told, sitting beside her mother with a smirk on her face.

"You're behaviour is disgusting," Maxine sneered, "you do not follow my rules, you misuse our facilities, because of you, Audrey O'Neil has paint in her beautiful hair!"

"Hey! Her hair ruined my paint!"

"This is what I mean," said Maxine, "I will not tolerate your behaviour anymore. From today, you are expelled from Beauxbatons."

A broad smile broke across Adelaides face. After months of trying, she had finally managed to get out of the hell hole of a school.

Her parents were not impressed.

Their faces were ones of shocked expressions, and they immediately began to argue with Maxine, however, she did not listen.

"I am sorry, but we can not take this any longer. You are lucky I have the decency to write to Professor Albus Dumbledore. I'm sure he has the right...lifestyle for your daughter, she will fit right in."

"She will not be attending Hogwarts! The school doesn't reach the academic level that Beauxbatons does!" Argued Daniel, "she must stay here!"

"The decision is final," said Maxine, "you have twenty-four hours to leave the grounds."

And that is how Adelaide Winters' Hogwarts life began.


First chapter is short but yuhhhh #girlboss

Addies life before everything makes me so emosh, I love her sm

Qotd: favourite tv show?

Word count: 1081

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, book 1Where stories live. Discover now