Part 1.

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'I regret it'

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'I regret it'

|Y/n's POV.|

Y/N, THAT'S me.

Let me explain my life in these few lines.

I got bullied since third grade, and it's always the same guy.
I never actually asked myself why in fact he was bullying me.
But i think it's pretty normal that The popular guy bullies the ‚nerdy, loser' girl.

After fifth grade I stopped to care what he way saying, I casually ignored everything he said, but he never stopped.
He kept going like it was a game.

Even tho now I just accept it, it still hurts deep down.

I think nobody wants to be called a ,fat slut', a ‚ugly ass nerd' or be told that you will never find true love or someone that will find you pretty.
Or that you don't deserve to live or breath the same air he does.

Or that.... I could go on for a few pages, but let's skip the sad and dark part.

My life has a good side too.
My best friend Chan.
He's everything to me, he's everything I need.

We met at first grade and instantly made a promise.
To be best friends forever.
Even tho we were little kids, we kept the promise till this day, and I don't think something will change the next few years.

I have pretty good grades and I like to wear baggy stuff, that's why people think I'm fat and think im trying to hide my big body.
Which in fact is wrong, I just like to wear comfortable stuff to school instead of wearing a mini dress to impress horny teenage boys.

"Hey You're daydreaming" the calm voice of Chan finally went all the way to my ear, making me jump out of my daydream and refocused on the board in front of me.

It was full of math stuff I didn't understand, I was good at school, that's true but I can't do math.

"Should I explain it to you at lunch... again?" Chan asked knowing in fact I hated math and couldn't understand a thing.

I gave him a warm smile and nodded.
Halfway through the lesson the teacher decided to go to the toilet which meant ‚go smoke'.
But we let her think that we don't know about her smoking addiction.

The class immediately bursted out with chattering and telling weird story's or how bad that one boy was in bed. I was great listener, which has good sides, I know all the gossips.

I just sat there, focused on one spot at the wall and went back to my daydream.
Which I couldn't continue because a freaking pencil hit my head, as I turned around my eyes locked with Hyunjin's.
He gave me a big smile and showed me his middle finger, which in fact I ignored.

I could hear his sigh from miles away, and everyone else too. They all turned their heads to us, but none of them said something.

Which I was happy about.

"I still don't know how you can ignore him like that" Chan whispered.
"It became normal after third grade for me" I shrugged with my shoulders.
"Just give me one little sign and I will beat him till he wakes up in the hospital" he whisper shouted into my ear.

"Calm down dude, I can protect myself" I said proudly showing him my nonexistent muscles.

"Hah sure, you can't even lift a feather with those arms" he laughed touching my bare arm.

"Little y/n found herself a boyfriend" Hyunjin appears behind me.
"You have good eyes idiot, he's in fact my boyfriend, right?" I said smiling at Chan.

He looked at me worried, as if I had a big ass pimple on my nose, but as soon as he realized what I was doing he smiled back at me.

"Oh, you didn't know? I asked her yesterday".

I expected Hyunjin to burst out laughing or telling how ‚ugly and ugly' is perfect for each other but instead all we got was a silent Hyunjin.

He looked as if he was thinking really hard, but as soon as he notice us starring he quickly gave us a smirk.
"Ugly and ugly? Perfect for each other, right class?" he yelled the last part.

Even tho the class didn't even know what we were talking about, agreed.

URGH I hate this school, they act like Hyunjin is a motherfucking kind or something.
And those girls? Pushing their asses out to impress him?
The one think that shook's me is that he never payed attention to these girls.

It's like he doesn't see them.
It's weird, but I quickly removed that thought, why should I even ask myself what or what he wasn't doing in his free time.

He hates me, I hate him. Life is good.


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