⠀⠀14. confessions⠀⠀

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THE SUN'S GLARING rays were what Y/N awoke to the next morning

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THE SUN'S GLARING rays were what Y/N awoke to the next morning. 

She'd initially been confused when she'd opened her eyes only to be met not with her room, but rather, the bakery. It hadn't taken long for the previous day's events to come rushing back to her though, yet this time, at the thought of it all, her heart didn't sink as low as it normally would.

Perhaps last night was the closure she needed.

She sat up and stretched her arms, muscles a little stiff from the cramped space she'd spent the night in. Y/N picked up her phone from on top of the table to check the time, realising she'd slept for longer than usual.

Her brows pulled together as she calculated the time it'd take for her to run back home and freshen up for the day, but figured it'd be much too late by the time she came back. It seemed that the bathroom at the back of the bakery would have to do.

She stood up, hand instinctively moving to cover her mouth as a yawn escaped her. She made her way through the door that led to the kitchen, then went through a second one situated on the far wall to the small bathroom.

Before her great grandfather had opened the bakery, the building had initially been a house. Multiple renovations had managed to transform it into what it was today, but they'd never figured out what to do with the bathroom at the back seeing as it was only accessible through the kitchen—a rather inconvenient design—and eventually, had opted to just leave it there.

And thank god they did, Y/N decided, as she stepped into the small shower beside the sink, spending a couple minutes beneath the water's sprays to freshen up. After she had finished showering, she changed into the spare clothes she kept for emergencies—baking could get messy, so it was safer to have a change of clothes ready—and made her way back to the main part of the bakery, grabbing her apron from the hook and slipping it over her head, skilfully tying a knot with a little bow at the back.

The bakery began to flood with customers as soon as the clock hit eight, with a couple regulars appearing among all the new faces she'd never seen before. Some needed fresh loaves for breakfast while others wanted a quick bite before they headed off to their respective workplaces or schools. Regardless of the reason, Y/N was undeniably shocked at how many customers she was receiving. If Kyouka hadn't helped her yesterday, she'd have run out of everything for sure.

This was all Ranpo's doing, wasn't it? She was almost curious to know how he even knew this many people, and made a mental note to ask him later.

Y/N was at it until what was probably around noon before the crowd began to die down a little—at least enough that the bell above the door wasn't constantly ringing—she'd begun to consider taking it down because of how annoying it was starting to become.

Soon enough, the evening rolled by as the closing time for the bakery drew nearer, pinks and oranges beginning to overtake the azure in the sky. The few customers left now were all workers on their way home after a long, tiring day, but luckily, Y/N hadn't seen that big of a crowd since the morning.

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