"I'm okay," replied the doctor with a shy smile that was so endearing.

Danny thought to herself, "she has no idea how incredible she is."

"Pool?" asked Kenzi, already drunk, dragging Danny by the arm. Glancing back at Bo and Lauren Danny pleaded with them to rescue her but they just laughed and raised their glasses in a mock toast.

"Let's go up to the bar for a bit. I need to ask the bartender a couple questions for a case I am working on," suggested Bo grabbing Lauren's hand.

"Okay," agreed Lauren dutifully following along, never able to resist Bo's wishes. Lauren leaned on the bar facing the crowd studying Danny with amusement as she argued with Kenzi about cheating. Catching Lauren watching her Danny flashed her easy, disarming grin and held the doctor's gaze for a moment before turning her attention back to the drunk human who was now hitting on three teenagers. An involuntary, content smile spread over the doctor's lips and her mind began to drift.

"Hey," said Bo snapping her fingers in front of Lauren.

"What?" asked Lauren some what irritated by the interruption.

"Oh, my god," gasped Bo her eyes getting big staring at the doctor and a smirk forming on her lips. I know that look."

Lauren looked away slightly embarrassed, "what are you talking about Bo?"

"The look that says, ah, ain't she just the cutest," suggested Bo looking directly at Lauren, demanding an answer. Lauren said nothing trying to play it cool.

"You like her don't you?" asked Bo more gently this time feeling a pang of jealousy that she knew she had no right to have. Lauren looked at Danny patiently dealing with Kenzi and nodded.

Bo gave Lauren a playful push with her shoulder. "You have been holding out on me. Have you told her?"

"No," whispered Lauren blushing.

"Does she like you back?" asked Bo teasing again.

"I'm not sure, she's in a relationship," replied Lauren feeling like a little kid being grilled by her Mother.

Bo grabbed Lauren's wrist towing her toward the pool table. "We should go rescue Danny. Me and Kenz against you two okay," suggested Bo with a mischievous grin pointing at Danny and Lauren.

"Alright, but we bwweak," slurred Kenzi having had way too much tequila already.

Part way through the game Bo turned to see Dyson and Hale walking briskly toward their table. "Hey good lookin', what a nice surprise," greeted the succubus before reaching up and capturing Dyson's top lip between her own.

Dyson gently pushed Bo back, "I'm actually here on official business."

"What's going on?" Bo asked suddenly concerned.

"The Fae elders have decided that Danny has had enough time to heal and they feel it is time for her to join the Fae world officially through the challenge," replied Dyson expressionless.

"No way," argued Bo stepping between Dyson and Danny. "You aren't taking her, she isn't ready."

"Bo you weren't ready either and you can't stop this," replied Dyson gently. "It is done."

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