10 Years Later

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Molly was right. Harry was a mess without Ginny. Then one day, Hermione gave him his goal, in his life. To get Ginny back. He started working hard and got many promotions.

Ten years had passed since. Harry was Head Auror. Then on one work visit his life changed.

He entered a good-looking muggle restaurant. A beautiful waitress came to take his order. He had fiery-red hair and chocolate eyes.

He phoned Ron that instant.

He enquired about Ginny's whereabouts trying very hard to be cheerful, "Hey mate, where is your sister?"

"Here at the burrow, of course."

Harry expected Ginny to be at burrow since she was fired but, he had never once visited her.

"Oh, as I can see in front of my eyes taking my order at a muggle restaurant here in Paris, the wit-I mean the lady who I am madly in love with and on who's badge it is written Ginerva Weasley."

I know this is short but, the next chapter is on its way.

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