"Striker..." you called out his name softly, almost like a lover would.

"Yeah..." he responded back, looking into your bright eyes and curled long eyelashes.

"Are we friends?" You asked sweetly, tilting your head as you waited for a response.

His heart drummed against his chest, almost chanting and encouraging him to just say "YES OF COURSE WE'RE FRIENDS."


His brain wanted nothing more than to kill Stolas, with no distractions. AT. ALL.

But you were strong. You weren't just a distraction.

No, you were like an investment. An investment into himself. Whenever he was around you he felt happiness and companionship like no other. And as much as wanted to stay focused on his mission, you were irresistible. The feeling you gave him was intoxicating, irreplaceable.

He let his brain process the situation described, and after a few more seconds of silence, he finally came up with a response.

"Sure...why not..." he replied halfheartedly to make it sound as if he didn't care. In reality, he wanted nothing more than to be by your side. Every touch made these feelings stronger, and soon he would yearn to be by you at all times.

Of course, you were oblivious to this silent storm brewing in Striker. He hid the fact that he was devoted to you rather well through his nonchalant or irritated attitude. As far as you knew, Striker tolerated you.

But as he felt your head on his shoulder, he knew that was far from the case.

All he knew was that you were special, beyond special, and that he HAD to keep you around. And though you were strong, that fight you had— you barely escaped with your life.

So he would protect you from now on, to make sure his sweet Little Lady never got hurt ever again...

And if he wanted to do that...

He looked up at your bedroom window, taking another drag from his cigarette.

He had to get to know you better.

Later that evening while you were gone playing with the kids, telling them graphic stories of things you've done since that's the only way to get them to sit down for two minutes, Striker decided to do his little exploration.

He walked into your room, his boots were off so that he didn't leave a trace anywhere. He walked up to your closet and immediately went through all your clothes, admiring all of them, some more than others.

He couldn't resist holding up a Bat t-shirt, the one you wore when you first had a long talk. He had the urge to smell the clothes, but he decided not to. It would be weird if he did, even though going through your stuff was weird enough as is.

As he went through your clothes he noticed something, 1) you wear a lot of short shorts and 2) you liked bats a lot

He walked out the closet. Putting everything back in order and walking over to your side table drawers.

He opened the first one, and in it was a calculator, pen, pencil, notebooks, other school supplies. It also had a laptop, which he opened and looked at.

"Online learning academy, 9-12th" it read, and on it it said you were 75% done with the school year.

You did mention you were pulled out of school at 10, so you must have been doing this online schooling thing and trying to catch up on all the school you missed. It was admirable.

Malicious Tango - Yandere Striker x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu