Chapter 12 - Pull Me Closer

Start from the beginning

Perhaps, this entire time, Bakugou had liked him just as much as he liked Bakugou.

And no, that wasn't hard to believe. Not at all.

Eijirou laughed. He honest-to-god couldn't help it, he was just so happy, so relieved. "Well that's good, because I've been wanting to kiss you for ages."

As soon as Eijirou heard his own words, his hands flew up to cover his mouth. Oh god. The giddiness in his gut was uncontrollable, he could feel his own grin underneath his fingers, but with the look Bakugou was giving him, no amount of giddiness in the world would ever be enough to erase his embarrassment.

"Aha sorry, sorry, that was a stupid thing to say wasn't it? I feel really dumb now. But also, it's true, so..."  With every word he said, Eijirou felt more and more like a complete and utter dork, but god, he was just so overjoyed, like he was gonna burst at the seams at any second. "... So yah. I wanted to kiss you, too."

Bakugou just stared at him, quietly, seemingly at a loss for words, and it was starting to make Eijirou's nerves act up even more than they already were. He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck, avoiding the harsh gaze. "Is, uh. Is that okay?"

Bakugou looked down, the tips of his ears flushed pink. "Whatever."

The silence that filled the room was tense, as if it was waiting to be broken. Eijirou shifted where he sat, his mouth turning dry.

"Can I kiss you too?"

The question hung in the air, and for just a moment Eijirou regretted having asked it, because... that was the type of question that changes relationships forever, wasn't it? But at the same time, they had already crossed that line. There was no going back. And it was something he needed to know.

Bakugou closed his eyes. Took a breath. Nodded.

Well okay then.

Eijirou's heart hammered so loudly in his chest, his fingers trembling, the feeling of excitement so strong that it was nauseating. For a solid moment, he seriously thought he wouldn't be able to muster the courage to go through with it. But, despite his foggy brain and racing heart and sweaty palms, Eijirou wanted this more than anything. He wanted to share this with Bakugou, and only Bakugou. And somehow, someway, that's was what Bakugou wanted as well.

But how was he supposed start? With something like this, it was better to take things easy, rather than just rush through it, right? This wasn't something he could jump right in to, he needed to start off slow. Eijirou carefully brought his hand to rest on Bakugou's again.

Bakugou jerked slightly at the touch, surprised, and that didn't seem like a good sign. But before Eijirou could take his hand away, the balled-up fist slowly opened up, allowing Eijirou to intertwine their fingers, encouraging him to close some of the distance that was between them. His brain was whirling, on hyper-drive, his heartbeat so fast and loud it consumed him. He leaned in, until their faces were only a few inches apart. Oh god, this was happening. This was actually happening.

Eijirou paused.

This was all so overwhelming. He didn't want to mess this up.

Suddenly, red eyes opened, in an instant fixating on Eijirou's lips, making his heart flutter. Then they looked up and eyes met– half-lidded, intense, and absolutely mesmerizing.

And then, Bakugou gave his hand a little squeeze. Go ahead.

That's what spurred him forward. Eijirou shed off any lingering apprehensions he had, and allowed himself to just do whatever felt right. Supported by a palm on the mattress, he brought his forehead to rest against Bakugou's, their noses brushing, and time around them stood still. So close, just a tilt of the chin...

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