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I sat on the curb of the sidewalk outside of The Air

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I sat on the curb of the sidewalk outside of The Air.

I had to process what just happened.

All Mauri has done is been weird towards me.

One second he loves me , the next second I bring him depression or some shit.

He needs to make his mind up.

I heard footsteps coming up to me. 

" Girl , what you doing out here at a time like this ? It's not safe to be out here in the open."

I looked up and Brandy and Alicia were standing there.

They looked at each other , and sat at my sides.

A tear fell down my cheek.

I felt Brandy put her arms around me.

" Mich what's wrong now ? " she asked me.

I took a deep breathe and gathered my thoughts.

" I threw a drink in his face. I just had to. " I said shrugging.

" Im tired of him doing whatever he wants to me , and getting away with it. It's all my fault that it was happening to me in the first damn place." I said.

" At this point , I feel like you guys need a break from each other. Yk , clear your minds." said Alicia rubbing my back.

" Or break up." mumbled Brandy.

" Nah , I can't just leave him. We all know that Mauri needs me. " I hinted.

" Stop worrying about Da'Mauri , and think about yourself for once. The question is , do you need Mauri ? " Brandy said.

I thought about it.

This whole time our relationship has been based off of what Mauri wants.

He just keeps making up the same damn excuse as to why I shouldn't leave him.

When you think about it , he doesn't need me , he just wants me.

Honestly , I'm sick of that shit.

I'm not a damn slave , I'm my own person.

And if leaving Mauri is what I have to do in order to find myself , then so be it.

I don't care how crazy he is , I need time alone.

Maybe in the future we can think about working things out , but as of rn ...

hell no.

Brandy and Alicia stood up from the curb and walked inside the Air.

I clasped my hands together and stared out into the night.

Letting Mauri go would be hard on the both of us , but I know it's best if we just go our separate ways for right now.

I need to find myself.

And Lord Almighty knows that he damn sure needs to find himself.

It seems like the only possible way for us to work out in the end.

I heard another set of footsteps come up from behind me.

I knew it was Da'Mauri.

He sat beside me and looked over at me.

It was a long long long silence.

It felt like an eternity.

" Bran told me you needed to talk to me. " He said biting his lip.

" Yea ... yea I do." I said looking over at him.

" I need my space. And you need yours." I said shrugging.

" I think it's best if we resume our relationship later on in the future. " I said.

" Mich , get str8 to the point. You breaking up with me ?" He asked me.

I could tell the tone in his voice changed.

He started sounding a little angry.

" I'm not breaking up with you , but I just wanna be separated for just a while. I really need to get myself together before I continue with you." I stated.

" Ik it's gonna be hard on the both of us , but if we want to be together , we can't be doing the shit we doing now."

" You need to clear your mind , and I need to do the same." I said.

He bit the inside of his cheek.

" That's fine. We can take as long of a break as you need. As long as we get back together." He said.

He looked over at me.

" I can't see myself being with anybody but you. But I understand if you need yo space from me." He stated.

I was surprised at how open he was to it.

Usually he would cuss me out , but it was different this time.

He probably felt the same way.

" But under one condition." He said grabbing onto my hand.

I sighed.

" What Mauri ?" I asked him.

" We have to spend this one night together. Just me and you." He said.

" What about everybody else ?" I asked him.

" Oh nah , don't worry about them." He said.

" Well what about Tony's poem ?" I asked him again.

" Mich , you been missed that shit. " He said.

" Don't even stress it. Let's just go home. Me , you , and my bed , that's it." He said standing up.

" That's it ?" I asked him.

" That's it." He said promising me.

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