Chapter 46 - Final Boss

Start from the beginning

"We're planning a covert operation!" Eijiro agreed. "That's the only way us students can fight without breaking the rules!"

"I trust Todoroki," Yaomomo said. "But just in case, so I can stop them, I plan on joining them as well."

"Yaoyorozu!" Iida looked at the blonde who maintained his blank expression and looked at the ground.

"I... don't know, either," Izuku mumbled. "I was told he was still in my reach, So I couldn't just sit here and do nothing... I can't help thinking that I want to save him."

The group was suddenly silent as Iida sighed. "We can't agree on this, huh?"

The next words that came out of Iida's mouth surprised even Katsuki.

"Take me with you then."


[y/n] stared at the ground with a look devoid of emotions and his thoughts run rampant. Two sides of his mind at war with each other... both with equally sounding sides.

Think rationally. Those files may be fake, a reason to give in.

Give in?! The Commission killed people! And those were only dates from one year. How many else could they have done?!

It is not wise to act on only emotions. That's not how we work.

Screw how we work! We need to do something about this. We need more information.

I agree, but we cannot ask them for more information. They're an unreliable source.

[y/n] put the conversation on hold as he was thinking about his previous question. No better time to have an existential crisis than being kidnapped.

"What is he doing?" Toga asked as she rested her head on the countertop while looking at the restrained boy.

"Probably thinking about joining us," Magne replied while shrugging her shoulders. "Hell should I know."

Toga pouted at the answer but let the boy be alone with his thoughts as he ignored everybody in the room and began to ask himself, what was a hero?

A hero is someone who helps people.

The most basic definition of a hero, yet was that really the answer? Then wouldn't the title of hero be put on doctors and firefighters?

A hero is someone who inspires the hearts of the people.

A lesson that he learned from Mode's internship, but by that definition then villains could also be heroes. After all, the league was formed by Stain's ambitions.

A hero risks their lives for people.

[y/n] squinted his eyes at that statement. It felt true but... it was incomplete. If heroes were defined as people risking their lives for others then there wouldn't be much heroes in the first place...

The boy sighed. The concept of a hero was such a blur with the concept of a villain.

Why are we even doing this again?

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