I get those butterfiles

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"Zayn! open the door!" Tricia called out when she heard someone ringing the doorbell.

Zayn groaned and covered his ears with his palms, trying to block out the sound. He very well knew who it was.


He went downstairs and opened the door, only to find the curly headed one with a big-ass smile on his face and a bouquet in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn whispered angrily.

"What do you mean by what am I doing here? I came to study" Harry whispered back.

"Study? Harry pleas-"

"Aahhh Mrs. Malik. There you are!" Harry cut him off by entering his house. Zayn's eyes were wide and he stood at the door like a statue.

Tricia sent Zayn a 'who-is-he look' because Harry didn't look like Zayn's classmate, he didn't even look like a student. He had tattoos sprawled all over his arms and that long greasy hair, tied into a man bun. He was very tall too, he looked like he could knock about 20 men in 5 minutes. Zayn immediately came to her.

"Umm, mama, he is-"

"Harry. Harry styles. Nice to meet you Mrs. Malik, I never thought I'd get to see you but you are a lot prettier than I actually thought" Harry said making the lady in front of him blush. "Here, pretty flowers for a pretty lady" he handed the bouquet to her and smiled.

"Thank you Harry, that was very sweet of you..." she replied with a smile.

"I think Harry needs to go now, he has a lot of wor-" Zayn was again cut off.

"Zayn, why don't you show your room to Harry, I'll bring you some snacks" Tricia said and went into the kitchen.

"What? No!" Zayn refused but Harry was already on his way to Zayn's room. Zayn ran while Harry was just walking. Short people problems.

"Mmmm your bed is nice" Harry said hoping on the bed.

"What are you doing ?" Zayn asked again, absolutely annoyed.

"I told you, I came here to study," Harry answered. His eyes started to wander around Zayn's room and he found some photos hanging on the wall and a lot of other stuff that he didn't think he'd see in Zayn's room.

"What happened to you?"

"I'm completely fine?" Harry answered, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Why are you behaving like this?" Zayn asked, another question.

"Like what?"

"You are acting all nice and kind....." Zayn asked again while Harry stood up and went to Zayn's desk and picked up his sketching notebook.

"HARRY NO! DON'T TOUCH IT" Zayn yelled.

"Oh then I'm definitely going to touch it," Harry said with a smirk plastered on his face. Zayn immediately ran and tried to snatch it from Harry's hand but he failed miserably. Harry held it tightly and put it above his head. "Take it" he challenged but Zayn knew he definitely couldn't reach it. Short people problems part 2.

He pushed Harry on bed, trying to snatch it again from his hand but Harry flipped them over and hovered above the shorter lad. He looked into the hazel eyes and felt like he could do this all day (I feel you Harry)

"Snack-" Tricia opened the door, finding both of the boys on each other. Her eyes widened and she gulped. Zayn pushed Harry from him and sat up.


"Mum. It's not what you think" Zayn answered, fixing his shirt.

"I'll leave you two," she mumbled and closed the door. She jumped silently and grinned. Don't know what's happening right?


After leaving Zayn and Harry to themselves, Trisha came to the kitchen and said "They look cute, don't they?"

"Oh my god, don't tell me you were thinking the same thing??" Safaa asked in excitement. "Yess," Tricia agreed. "Do you think they are dating?" Safaa asked. "Maybe" her mum answered. "Let's see"


"OMG Yesss" she gave a high five to Safaa who was grinning like a fool. "Our ship is sailing!" she yelled. "But who do you think is the top?" Safaa asked.



Zayn covered his face with his palms and sighed.

"What happened Zaynie?" Harry asked acting dumb. "You know exactly what happened!" Zayn yelled.

"I don-"

"Get out"


"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT" Zayn yelled and covered his mouth again with his palm. He never cursed.

"Okay okay, calm down. I'll go. But don't call me again saying that you miss me" Harry said and blew a kiss.

He went downstairs and saw Safaa and Tricia talking so he smirked and yelled "Bye babe!" and left.

Zayn groaned and closed his bedroom door.

"I think Harry is the top," Tricia said after some time.



~skipping to the morning because I can~

"Hey Zayn," Harry called out, falling into step with the raven haired one. "Walk me home?"

Zayn rolled his eyes in his mind so that Harry wouldn't see it. "Harry, you are already walking and you know where you're going. How could I do that?"

"Are you really an A+ student? It's a figure of speech. It means walk with me and keep me company on the way"

"And where did you learn that?" Zayn asked, stopping at a certain spot.

"I don't know?" Harry answered. Honestly Zayn was hella annoyed this time so he blurted it all out.

"Why are you like this Harry? Why do you always try to annoy me when I'm trying to just live my life peacefully? What did I ever do to you? You are making it hard for me. And what you did yesterday was enough. Please leave me alone" he said.

"You wanna know why I do all this?"

Zayn nodded annoyed.

"Because I'm in love with you. I love everything you do. I have never been attracted to a person but you are different. You let me do anything and I love it when you get annoyed. But you never make me think I'm useless like everyone else does. I wake up with the only thing on my mind. Seeing your face everyday and annoying you until you tell me to leave you alone. I've seen many nerds in my life but no one was like you. You stand out from everyone else. I get all those butterflies whenever I see you. That's why I love you with all my heart."

Zayn was about to cry, really. No one has ever made him feel this worthy.

"Zayn? Are you oka-"

Zayn immediately smashed his lips with Harry. The younger one was surprised at first but he immediately kissed back and enjoyed the moment.

They finally pulled back and rested their foreheads on each other. "I love you too"

Harry was smiling like a fool and Zayn was just so happy that he just devoured the moment.

"Soo, walk me home?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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