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Tzuyu's POV

My Apartment

Mina was still asleep which made me smile. I decided to try and wake her up with a sweet kiss. I think she was up because she was responding. I slowly pulled away smiling.

"Morning", I said.

"Morning", she said mumbling.

"You know if I could walk right now, I would've made you breakfast in bed", I said.

"You can't cook".

"Hey, I can cook pancakes", I said.

"Sure you can", she said pecking my lip then got out of the bed.

"When I can walk again, I will show you that I can", I said sitting up.

"I will be waiting for then, for now, I am going to take a shower".


Her phone was vibrating. I shouldn't have but I looked at it. 

Chatting with Chaeng🐯❤

Yesterday 11:34pm


Hey Eonni how is Korea?


Korea is great


I miss you xx


I miss you too xx


Especially you kisses and cuddles

I put the phone down. I didn't want to read anymore. I climbed out of the bed carefully standing up so I could put my clothes on. I got in my wheelchair and headed out of the apartment.

Apartment Rooftop

I carefully stood up and walked over to the edge. I held onto the railings.

"You know that girl is just playing with you".

I looked over at the old lady.

"She just feels sorry for you. Because you are paralyzed", she added.

"No, she's not like that", I said trying to ignore the lady.

"She's talking to another girl during the night isn't she".


"Then there's your answer. She does not love you or even cares about you, so leave the girl. You shouldn't let people fool you", the lady said getting up.

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