Babpooof!!! Pt.1

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Warning: Comedy, Language, Anger, August, and Fluff

Recommended idea credit: 

Do you ever wonder, "Can babies magically pop up in thin air? If yes, What would it be like?"; and what will the Mischief God and you do?

Hmm. The possibility seems just wanting to answer our question too.

8:45 AM

The gang was having; a peaceful breakfast together, and someone happens to ruin that sweet bubble.

"Alright, everyone, gets ready! We're training today!" Steve announced, walking into the compound kitchen. Having everyone's voices overlapping one another annoyed.

"Why?" Thor pouts, looking heartbroken from his pop tarts.

"Didn't we do it on Tuesday?" Clint whined, stuffing his mouth with grumble eggs, slouching in his seat.

"Ughh... I just wanted my waffles in peace..." Tony moans, rolling his eyes, poking his plate of food depressed.

Wanda and Natasha saying something from the back, Peter internally crying in silence from the corner, just wanting a frozen yogurt. And a unbothered Loki with his tea and a "" peach face. But his mind was somewhere else, thinking about something.

"We are. Again the better. Stop complaining and munch your foods faster." Steve said, unimpressed with everyone's complainants walking off with his bottle of water. In that simultaneous moment, you walk in gleefully.

"What's popping, everyone?" You shout excitedly, hopping through the kitchen entry. No reaction.

"Ah~ So the Cap burst your happy bubble. Eh, I knew already." You shrugged, smiling skipping, to the gods by the kitchen island.

"Hiya Thor! Loki!" You, plopping in between the both of them.

"Morning." Loki greeted in monotone.

"Morning...." Thor answered flatly.

"Gezz... To say bursting you bubble, who in the world licked your toes instead." You irked at the two gods' responses.

Instead of answering, Loki turns his side gives you an uncaring look; but signaling for you both to mind read each other. You raise a brow. Then it hit you.

"You said you'll stay out of their issue! I'm not siding with no one, either are you." You protest, pouring your cereal and making a frustrated face while doing so.

"But (Y--" Loki reasons placing his teacup down, you beat him to it before he even starts.

"No. Zane will be yeeting your hair off before you even could blink. And Nang will dislocate my whole body if we even come close to help 'situate' their problem. So, no. I don't want to die. I need my body to function." You said sternly, shoving the scope of cereal into your mouth.

"But they're fighting~" Loki whines, annoyed at the fact that you're not even caring but instead are eating.

"Not my problem." You shrugged, munching away your food.

"(Y/N)." He calls you name.

"(Y/N)." He repeats you're still eating, not bugging.

"(Y/n)!" Loki shouts, snatching your bowl of cereal.

"Hey! I'm in the middle of EATING!" You yelled, startled, trying to get your food back.

"No, You're not listening!" Loki shot, back lift your cereal higher in the air.

Loki POV'sKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat