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"I know it's only been a few days, but now would be a good time to come back."

Hero held Mari's hand, running his thumb over it as he tried to let himself talk. He knew that the others would probably be upset if they knew he was coming here without them, but he couldn't help it. Seeing her chest still rising and falling gave him some sort of hope he wasn't willing to admit to the others. He sighed as he squeezed her hand a bit tighter. There wasn't any response like she'd normally give, yet he tried to trick himself into believing he felt a bit of tightness on his own hand as well. He sighed as he closed his eyes, hanging his head over her.

"Sunny hasn't said a word to any of us. He's... he's been much more devoid of emotion. The other day, he apparently waited outside your room to walk to school together. Your mom had to take him away for him to be actually on time." He paused, biting his lip. He wasn't sure how much she was hearing, but it felt wrong to keep secrets from her regardless. "You wouldn't believe it actually, he-he actually left school the other day. Kel went to bring him his bag, and when he wasn't there, he-he just took off running to the park. I saw him running, so I followed, and... something happened. I don't know what, but he was drenched. I've never seen Sunny look so torn up." He looked at the heart monitor for any deviations, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

He could almost hear her laughter as he looked at her lips. The same ones that always knew how to catch him so incredibly off guard; he wished for nothing more than for them to tease him as they always had. He gripped her small hand in both of his, shaking lightly as he held on for dear life itself.

"Don't... don't keep all of us waiting for so long. Don't keep me waiting. Please."

The door behind him creaked open, a nurse coming in. With a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, Hero looked behind him, getting up but still holding Mari's hand in one of his.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask you to leave," she said timidly. Hero gave one last squeeze to Mari's hand. He relished in the warmth before gently setting her hand down.

"Sorry, I'll get out of the way then. And thank you so much for-for doing your best." He gave the nurse a warm smile, and she looked away quickly, her cheeks tinted pink. He left the room, gently closing the door behind him. He stood in place in front of Mari's room for a few minutes before continuing down the hall towards the elevator. Once the doors closed and he selected the first floor, he leaned on a wall, and wondered what Mari would've done in this situation. His thoughts drifted to Sunny once again, the way he had looked so helpless a few days prior. It didn't take too long for him to feel the wheels in his head start turning.

He had an idea.


Sunny sat down in the library quietly, finding an empty spot. The silence would be too much for someone like Kel to handle, but he was content where he was. He took a book at random off of one of the assorted shelves as he nestled himself in a corner. He opened the book, flipping to a random page to pretend to read. He felt his stomach growl, but he ignored it; he knew that everyone would be waiting for him at the lunch table.

In reality, he was far from alone in the library. Someone had been watching him from afar, even so far as to follow Sunny into the library and pick up a book themselves. Basil's curious eyes watched Sunny as he stared blankly. He'd noticed Sunny drawing into himself more than normal, but every part of Basil was telling him that he shouldn't get involved. Sunny was never talkative when something bothered him, but he'd naturally drift towards the others when he needed the attention. Something about this felt different.

Basil watched as time ticked by, Sunny never turning a single page in the book. Basil could feel his heart becoming restless as he finally closed his book and walked over to Sunny, sitting near him.

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