Chapter 16

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Despite everything that happened that day Yuta was able to get about an hour of sleep. He decided to put the small strap onto the bag that now holds his katana. (He was never able to get another phone.) He walked into the hallway about to head out to get some breakfast, not really in the mood to make anything at the moment. When he noticed Inumaki was also going out of his room, knowing that Inumaki himself wasn't very much of a morning person, he couldn't help but want some answers. He slowly walked to sync with Inumaki's own quiet steps, when he finally asked, "What are you doing up so early?" Inumaki flinched; he had been a little too out of it to realize that someone was walking beside him. Fun fact: Sukuna talks when Itadori is asleep. Yuta laughs lightly, "Oh really? What did he say?" For some reason he started singing at around three in the morning, and wouldn't stop talking about Jennifer Laurance. Yuta laughed a bit harder at that one. "Were in the same boat, I didn't get much sleep either." And here I thought you never slept with those kinds of eye bags, the shorter male jested. "You're never gonna let that go are you?" He chuckled awkwardly. "Okaka." He quickly replied followed by silent laughter.

As they stepped out of the elevator still cracking jokes, when Yuta had an idea, "Hey you wanna get breakfast right now? I'll pay." "Shake." Quickly making a stop at a local restaurant they got themselves some breakfast burritos while they ate. Yuta finally got to show off a few of his favorite places, at a certain store they each chose an outfit for each other. (Somehow they ended up getting matching lavender hoodies.) They even had time to stop at a cat cafe, there was a white poofy one that they agreed looked like Gojo. A smaller white one got comfortable leaning on Yuta, while a black one pawed at Inumaki for attention. On their way to their last stop of the day they stumbled upon a certain shop. Figures lined the walls and at about that point Inumaki was ready to spend almost everything he had. Needless to say that he ended up walking out with three new figures.

Their final spot was Yuta's top favorite, as they were about to enter the area he asked Inumaki to close his eyes as he was going to guide him. Inumaki closed his eyes and he could feel that he was being led up a hill. Finally coming to a stop he hears a, "Okay open them now," as he opened his eyes he could see a field of carnations. It's beautiful, he signed, yet not looking away from the field of reds, pinks, and white. "Yeah, it's been my favorite place since I found it." Can we go closer? "Definitely here, let's go this way." Following a small set of stairs they were able to see the true beauty of the flowers, their unique petals were definitely more amazing close up. Can we pick them? "Yeah they don't have a problem here," Yuta replied a bit confused watching Inumaki pick quite a few after his answer. Inumaki soon returned to him and pulled his arm to follow him under a tree as he plopped down patting next to him. Inumaki then slowly got to work weaving the stems of the flower in a neat yet messy way, then it hit Yuta, he was making flower crowns. 

Watching Inumaki slowly coming to an end of his first crown he was surprised when all of a sudden he turned to him and placed it on top of him, before quickly starting another. Feeling a bit flustered he wasn't quite sure on what to say, but smiled to himself feeling a bit special, he had been feeling quite a bit down especially after yesterday, yet somehow Inumaki knew exactly what to do to make him feel at ease. He watched in peace as Inumaki wordlessly worked on the second, getting closer to the end of that one as well as placing the flowers in his lap as he began to sign. Do you think you could let Rika come out for a bit, even just a minute? Yuta nodded, not quite sure why the boy next to him was asking, "Mentaiko!" as if saying "thank you." Quickly finishing up the flower crown he asked if he could bring her out, when Rika came out Inumaki handed the crown to Rika, Yuta couldn't help but find this very endearing. Rika was always going to be a part of him even if he didn't want that himself. He was definitely going to remember this interaction.

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