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Marcus sobbed as she slid down the wall

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Marcus sobbed as she slid down the wall. She couldnt stop. "Mack! Mackenzie it'll be okay!"

She pushed away Connor as he tried to hug her but he was stronger. He was crying aswell but focusing on Marcus helped him calm down.

They were under her bed. The bed frame was tall enough to allow them to stand under it so they were there often. And more and more it was because they were crying.

"Mackenzie you need to calm down you'll-" Connor stopped as he heard the bed above them ignite.

He quickly ran to the desk, grabbing the fire extinguisher as fast as possible. Aiming it at the bed, he put it out before it had a chance to spread.

"Mackenzie! Mackenzie wake up!"


Marcus took a deep breath as she opened her eyes. She was expecting Alice. "Oh. Mrs Cullen. I must still be dreaming!" Esme laughed as she moved to let Marcus sit up.

"Alice is downstairs already. I heard you crying in your sleep." Propping herself up with her arms, Marcus stared at the wall. "Huh. Well that certainly sucks."

Groaning, Marcus stood up as she stretched her neck. Esme stood up after her. It was obvious the older woman was worried. "No need to be worried I was dreaming about... Puppies. Running in fields eating cotton candy. Tears of joy."

Esme nodded as she gave a smile to Marcus. She knew Marcus wouldn't tell her the truth and Esme wasn't going to pry. "Okay... Well I'll be downstairs if you need anything."

Nodding, Marcus smiled as Esme left the room. It was possible she glanced a few times at a thing or two.

Shaking her head, Marcus grabbed her bag before heading to the bathroom.

Eventually she was almost completely changed. Except for her top. She was wearing a bra but hadn't put on the shirt yet.

Looking down, she examined the scars on her stomach. Lightly tracing one, she quickly stopped to pull on her shirt.

Stuffing the dirty clothes in her bag, Marcus quickly zipped it up. Taking a deep breath she put a smile on her face before opening the door. Marcus put her bag in Alice's room before going out to the stairs.

"Do not! I repeat do not jump down!" Alice stared up at Marcus. "Well now I want to!" Sighing, Alice hit her head against the wall as softly as possible. "Ok I won't."

Alice sighed with a smile before Marcus did exactly what she said she wouldn't. "You said you wouldn't!" Shrugging her shoulder, Marcus shook her head. "I lie alot Alice."

Nodding with a smiled, Marcus stared at Alice as the other girl just sighed. "I'm starting to notice." Marcus laughed as the two walked to the living room. "My lies are only to protect those around me from feeling like crap. You don't want me to be completely honest." Alice nodded as she sat down.

"Be honest! It can't be that bad!" Thinking for a moment, Marcus nodded with a tight smile. "Ok, how are you feeling-" "Like absolute fucking crap Alice. I have crippling nightmares that are literally just memories. I can't get a therapist in this shitty town because they all think I'm going to punch them in the face! And they're all too busy judging me to do their job. Is that honest enough?" Everyone was staring at her though for some reason she was acutely aware of Carlisle and Esme's eyes on her.

"Yeah that's.. Thats honest enough." Marcus nodded with a bright smile as she sat down. Pulling out her phone, she ignored everyone staring at her.

I was told to be honest

Oh god how did that go

Well they know I have crippling nightmares and can't get a therapist but it stops there

Ah concerningly vague gotcha
So I have to tell you bitch ass Lahote showed up at your house yesterday

I'm sorry he fucking what

Yeah he was knocking on the door but your aunt was at work. I guess he forgot I live next door

Tell me you bashed his head him or something

No I just chased him off with my bat

Why was he even there

Some bullshit about apologizing? I don't believe him last time he said he was going to apologize... Well

Yeah he yelled at me and called me a slut because he was fucking drunk

Are you going to stay another night at the Cullens? I don't think he would actually hurt you if he went over when you're home but you would hurt him and get arrested.

"Ooh you should totally spent another night-" Emmett laughed as Alice slapped him on the arm. Rolling her eyes, Marcus shook her head. "Even if I could I didn't pack enough clothe-"

"You could borrow mine!" Staring at Alice, Marcus narrowed her eyes. "Ok I guess we're around the same size but still my aunt-" "I got Esme to call her, your aunt's perfectly fine with it!"

Staring at Alice, Marcus wasn't sure what to say. "Uhuh. And if I said I have a doctor's appointment-" "Carlisle could drive you!" Alice could feel Carlisle practically staring at her soul but she didn't care. He would thank her one day, she was sure of it. "Exactly what I thought you would say. Well I still need to get home so I can sleep in my own bed. And don't say you can move it here."

Alice sighed in disappointment. "I tried-" "You certainly did."

(This is good because I say so)

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