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Catching up to Marcus, Alice pushed the doors open before she could

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Catching up to Marcus, Alice pushed the doors open before she could. "Okay so are you going to follow me in your car?" Nodding, Marcus looked over at Alice's car. "I'm still wondering what the hell your mom doesn't for a living that your parents can afford all those expensive cars."

Well she was right. They couldn't afford the cars off what Carlisle and Esme made from working. But Alice was particularly good with the stock market. "Look who's talking! You got an amazing car!"

Smiling, Marcus nodded as they walked to their cars. They made sure to park next to eachother. "I can't say alot of good things about her but great grandma, the great Jessica Stanley certainly had taste when it came to cars." To say Alice was shocked was to say the least. Jessica Stanley? To her it seemed impossible. She didn't understand how Marcus could be related to her. She seemed so much nicer. "Why can't you say alot of good things?"

Laughing, Marcus opened her car door. "God have you ever heard of Jessica Stanley? Not to be disrespectful to dead family but she was a bitch!" Honestly? Alice could certainly agree.

The two got in their cars, Marcus waiting until Alice to start driving before she did. She had to follow Alice after all.

After awhile of driving Marcus was starting to wonder why the house was so far into the forest. Privacy purposes of course but she was also expecting something like a cottage. Not a mansion with floor length windows on every floor.

Pulling into the driveway behind Alice, Marcus stared at the house. "I'm scared to know what your allowance would be like!" Alice laughed as she got out her car.

Pulling out keys, Marcus got out of her own car, still staring at the house. "Are you gonna stare all day or are you gonna come back inside?" Shaking her head, with a laugh Marcus grabbed her bag from the backseat. "Im not sure unless your hiding something great in there I'm pretty happy with the view out here"

Alice laughed as Marcus followed her to the door.

Emmett laughed as he saw the confused look on Carlisle's face. He obviously heard Marcus, everyone did. "Oh is now a good time to mention the so called embodiment of anxious sunshine, Mackenzie Marcus Knight is staying the night?" Carlisle sighed as Emmett spoke.

He did not like it. Of course he wanted to meet her but her certainly didn't want to involve her in their lives as a teenager. Even though Bella wanted it, they all saw how that ended. "Why didn't anyone tell me-" "Oh I am completely terrified of her. I'm almost 100 percent sure she threatened to commit arson. To my body. She threatened to light me on fire."

Walking in behind Alice, Marcus looked around. The little she could see was completely beautiful. "Oh please tell me theres a way I can get into your family! Adoption, kidnapping, anything really, this is an amazing house!" Alice laughed as she led her to the living room. "I promise it's not that- oh! Marcus, meet Carlisle!"

Marcus smiled to Carlisle as she looked over to him. "Sorry, you must be Doctor Cullen. By the time Alice mentioned she didn't tell you and Mrs Cullen I was coming over I didn't have time to get her to call and tell you-" "You didn't even try!" "I- did too!" Carlisle laughed slightly as Marcus glared at Alice. "It's perfectly fine!"

Taking a deep breath, Marcus turned back to Carlisle with a smile. "Still I'm sorry, my aunt probably go insane if someone came over without warning!" Hearing her phone buzz, Marcus rolled her eyes before picking it up. Quickly answering the phone, she turned away from Carlisle and Alice. "Connor-"

"DID YOU THREATEN TERROR TWIN ONE!?" Scratching her head, Marcus tried to figure out what to say. "Wh- Whaaatttt? Me? Threaten a Uley? I would never!" In truth she had a history of threatening Uleys.

Jacob was sitting next to Renesmee on the couch. And the name Uley made him look up. While he hadn't known any Uleys in a long time, he was still curious about his old friends family's. Of course he should've been dead by now, but as long as he kept shifting he was effectively immortal.

"Did you forgot I'm constantly trying to get into Andreas pants!? You know, terror twin two! She told me all about how you threatened to throw her sister down a stairwell!" Thinking for a moment, Marcus groaned. "Hey, if you heard her defending Lahote you would've smashed her head into the elevator doors! So really it's not that bad?"

Marcus crossed her fingers as Connor went silent. "Well I can't argue with that. I would've left in handcuffs." Smiling to herself, Marcus nodded. "Okay I need to go before a doctor starts to severely judge me. Bye!"

Quickly hanging up, she didn't give Connor a chance to respond as she turned around to face Carlisle. He was staring at her. Understandably. "Um.. Sorry about that! All jokes no actual violence would ever occur... Hey Alice why don't we go do something?"

Laughing, Alice nodded and pulled her away, to the staircase. "Oh great. Stairs. I change my mind I hate your house." Looking at her confused, Alice started to walk up the stairs. "Why do you-" "I have a old hip injury. It's healed but it's makes stairs difficult." Nodding, Alice thought for a moment. "I could ask someone to carry you up-" "I'm coming don't bother with threats!"

With a little hesitance, Marcus followed Alice up the stairs. "Sorry my rooms on the second floor." Shaking her head, Marcus sighed as they reached the second floor. "Oh no it's fine. Also is there somewhere up here I can change? Jeans just really irritate my hip and I want to change into my shorts." Alice nodded. She didn't exactly understand how but she didn't question it. "Oh yeah the bathrooms right over there."

Looking to where Alice pointed, Marcus nodded before walking over. Closing the door behind her, she dropped her bag on the sink counter. Pulling out her shorts, she quickly got changed.

Looking down at the burn scars that she could see on the side of her thigh, Marcus shrugged. It stretched from the right side of her waist to the side of her knee. It's been nearly ten years since she got it. While the physical scar didn't bother her anymore the memories did some.

Pulling off her shirt, she quickly replaced it with a hoodie. Putting her shirt and jeans in the bag, Marcus zipped it up.

Marcus stared in the mirror. She thought for a minute before tying up her hair with the hair tie on her wrist.

Picking up her bag, she opened the door to see Alice waiting by her door across the hall.  "Wanna watch Netflix?" Thinking for a moment, Marcus nodded as she walked over.

Alice could see the scar. But she, rightly, decided it would be rude to ask. Walking into her room, Marcus followed close behind.

(I refuse to rewrite and rewrite so here)

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