"What are they surrounding?" Donghyuck asked.

"Just some new kids." Mark told him.

"Yea new kids who walk around here acting like they own the place even though they just got here." Chenle said while glaring in the direction of the new kids.

"Did they do anything to him?" Jisung asked.

"No but he doesn't like them because he said they walked in here like they owned the place or something." Jeno responded.

"Good, I thought I was gonna have to go say something to them." Renjun said.

"Well, I could care less about those new kids," Donghyuck said. "What I'm more worried about is my fucking phone which got taken away yesterday when I got home."

"Yea mine also got taken." Jisung agreed with Donghyuck.

"Mine also." Renjun said and just shrugged because he didn't really care.

Donghyuck huffed in annoyance, "Apparently my mom said I came back home around like 10 o'clock when it was just 6 or 7, it literally wasn't even that late and when I tried to tell her she said I was 'talking back' which was not true at all and plus Renjun's mom called her and lied saying that I CUSSED at her which I DID NOT do by the way because i was taught better than that and I have respect for elder people especially my best friend's mom." He explained his whole situation.

"My mom took mine because Renjun hyung's mother called her and said that I was trying to scream at her." Jisung explained his.

"And she took mine because apparently I'm starting to hang around the wrong crowd and tried to take up for Jaemin and Jeno when she called them bullies which they aren't." Renjun explained.

"Wow, I feel bad for you guys." Jaemin said.

"Yea so do I." Chenle said.

"I'm gonna be soo bored now." Donghyuck whined.

"Class hasn't even started yet and your already complaining about being bored." Renjun said to his overly dramatic best friend.

"Yes I'm already complaining, got a problem with that?" Donghyuck said and glared at Renjun.

"Yes I do actually." Renjun said and glared back at Donghyuck, the others stood there looking at the two best friends as they glared at each other.

"Uh guys, I think we should head to class now." Jaemin mentioned trying to break the tension between the two boys.

"Yea I agree with Jaemin hyung," Jisung said then grabbed Chenle's wrist, "We'll be heading to class now hyungs, see you all later." He walked away while dragging Chenle to their class.

Mark sighed as he stared at the two who continued to glare at each other not once looking away which was kinda creepy to him, he grabbed Donghyuck's wrist and pulled him away from Renjun and to himself.

"Come on Sunshine we need to go to class so stop glaring." He said, Renjun smiled triumphantly after he heard Mark say that.

"You too Junie, stop glaring at him." Jeno said and this time Donghyuck smiled triumphantly.

"Come on guys." Jaemin said and they all walked down the hallway heading to class.

They got there within a few minutes and went inside and sat down in they're respective seats, a minute later the teacher walked into the classroom and stood at the front of the class with a huge grin on his face which in Renjun's opinion creeped him out since he's never seen him smile at all this whole year. Renjun looked over at Donghyuck who looked over at him and they shared knowing glances after seeing the teacher grinning, they both looked back at the teacher and waited until he started to speak.

𝖣𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 「𝖭𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗇𝗆𝗂𝗇」 || 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑑✔︎Where stories live. Discover now