"I've seen you fly, I'm sure you could make the team next year if you wanted. Ravenclaw could use you, they haven't won the cup in a long time."

"Yes, well with Charlie on the Gryffindor team I feel their efforts will all be in vain."

"Ahh, afraid of a little friendly competition?" Bill asks eyebrows raised in challenge.

"No, if that were the case I wouldn't even think of joining at all, because once Charlie's gone, Fred and George will be right behind him, ready to join. I also have friends in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff who want to try out next year. And Marcus, Harry, Ariella, they're all bound to try out."

"Do you not think any of them will be joining you in Ravenclaw to help out the sorry excuse you guys have for a team?"

Cathleen rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "Not really, I suppose Ariella could, but to be honest she's got more of a cunning nature about her, I think she'll be Slytherin. And Harry, that poor child is exactly like our Papa, he'll be the poster child for Gryffindor, whether he likes it or not. Marcus is tougher to sort out, but I'd wager he ends up in Hufflepuff."

"You've really thought about this," Bill comments with a laugh as they enter the castle.

"You never thought about what houses your younger siblings would end up in?"

"Not really, I mean Charlie was obviously going to end up in Gryffindor. In fact, I think every Weasley has been sorted into Gryffindor, since Hogwarts was founded. Because, I mean Percy could've easily been Ravenclaw or Slytherin, I think it was the Weasley blood that made the hat put him in Gryffindor. When the twins get here next year, that'll be the only thing keeping them from being Slytherin, mark my words."

"You're probably right," Cathleen says noticing that they're getting closer to Ravenclaw Tower, "You know you don't have to walk me up to my common room"

"Nonsense, the tower's right ahead. Now, how're your classes going?"

Cathleen shrugs, "Herbology and Transfiguration seem alright. Professor Snape hates me, so potions is not looking good. And History of Magic is terribly boring, which is surprising because I've read all of Hogwarts a History and it was really interesting. I think it's just Professor Binn's teaching that I find tedious."

"Tedious, that's the perfect way to describe Binn's class, sorry to say it won't get any better," Bill says sympathetically.

"It's alright, I suspected as much. I've got other things I'm looking forward to though. I've got Charms class tomorrow, granted it's with the Slytherins and there's a girl who I don't like very much in there, but I'll manage. And I'm really looking forward to Wednesday, that's when we have Astronomy."

Bill nods, "Charms is one of my favorite classes. Astronomy is nice too, Professor Sinistra is a wonderful teacher. How are you making enemies so soon?"

"I suppose there are to many people with preconceived notions about me. Plus I think Papa arrested her dad and on top of that, she's quite homophobic."

"Ah, well if she or anyone else messes with you, let me know, I'll give her detention, perhaps with Filch."

Cathleen laughs loudly, "Thanks Bill, I appreciate it and for walking me up here, thank you."

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