27: rhodes siblings ☆

Start from the beginning

"Don't apologize," Emerson told him. "Don't ever apologize to me for crying."

He waved his hand dismissing her. JJ didn't know why it was so hard for him to admit he had actual feelings, he was just so used to shoving them down or lashing out that he didn't know what to do.

Frankly, neither Emerson or JJ knew how to process their feelings. They were both so worried about showing their true selves that when any emotions did show themselves they'd panic and hide. Both of them were always on the verge of bailing and everyone around them knew this.

"JJ?" Emerson stepped further into the room, closing the door behind her. JJ turned his head, but this time when their eyes locked on each other he didn't turn around. "Why didn't you tell me? About- about your dad?"

"Didn't seem important," He shrugged, acting like none of it mattered.

The truth was JJ couldn't stand to see Emerson look at him differently. The way she's looking at him right now. Like he's weak or broken, something that needs to be fixed. JJ didn't want her to see that side of him, he wanted to be strong for her.

He didn't want Emerson to know that his life was actually a lot tougher than she realized. If everything went the way he planned then she never would find out, but she did.

"It is important... this-" she gestured to his bruised torso "-it isn't okay. You have to tell someone about this... like Peterkin. She can help you," she suggested.

JJ stood up then turned around to fully be able to look at Emerson. "Cops? You actually want me to tell the cops?"

"He doesn't have to get away with this."

JJ couldn't help but laugh as he ran his hands through his hair. He knew Emerson was a little naive due to where she lived but he didn't expect this. "The cops can't help me," He informed her. "They may be able to help you but that's because you have a shitload of money to make all your problems go away."

"Oh..." Emerson sighed looking down at the ground. She knew JJ was still upset and a little drunk but hearing that he still thought of her as a rich girl with no problems annoyed her. "Sorry I suggested it."

"Em I didn't-"

"It's okay. I get it," She told him, turning away for a second. She let out a sigh then turned back to JJ. "I just don't understand why they can't help-"

"Just drop it Emerson!" JJ yelled and Emerson knew she went too far. "I swear to god," he breathed out.

"Sorry..." she muttered under her breath. "Sorry."

JJ sighed, realizing he probably shouldn't have shouted at her. He knew she just wanted to help, but when it came to things like this they still live in two different worlds. They'd always live in two different worlds.

"The cops can't help me," JJ told her, this time his voice was a lot softer as he spoke. "We can't trust the cops because... because they only care about one thing, money. And people like your parents have that money."

It was in moments like this where Emerson's tunnel vision blinded her from seeing the truth. Even now she could still only see the good in people. She saw cops who wanted to help everyone, even if there's nothing in it for them. She had a mother who was just trying to motivate her, not manipulate her. Emerson's world was black and white, there was right and wrong, there was no gray area.

But JJ's world was filled with color and shadows, he knew that there wasn't just right and wrong. He knew that because of where he lived absolutely everything he did was considered wrong in the eye of the law.

Emerson didn't respond to JJ, she didn't know how. She didn't know how to act around him anymore. She couldn't believe that he had let her rant about her parents' problems when he was literally getting hit by his father. Emerson felt shallow and stupid for not realizing the boy she liked was in trouble.

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