On the edge of great

Start from the beginning

after a while, the song is over, and the few waitresses and waiters cleaning up for tonight are applauding us.

obviously me and the boys congratulate each other on our best soundcheck yet, then we notice one of the waitresses who seems to have really enjoyed our song.

we all approach her and I laugh with her as all my friends play flirt and try to win her attention.

eventually Luke, reg, and I decide to leave and go get some street dogs, but bobby stays in the building because he's a "vegetarian"

we celebrate our amazing run and buy some dogs, then sit on an old couch beside the dog guys car-dog station.

we all finish off our dogs, and I can't help but notice how weird it tastes- maybe its cause I've been drinking soda all day and the tastes mixed or something-

who cares?

apparently I should've cared, because soon enough the three of us are coughing our lungs out.

then, the worst possible thing happens. reg pukes all over the floor and still can't stop coughing.

L: reg? reg are you aright???

Luke looks wAy too pale all of a sudden

R: I- ill be fine-

he pukes again, but this time I puke right after him.

L: Alex-! somebody get an am-

then he pukes.

R: somebody- *coughing* somebody call an ambulance-!!!

after we all puke out everything we've ever eaten, an ambulance pulls up and they lead us into it.

well,,, they lead me and Luke in- reg passed out and they had to carry him.

god I hope he's gonna be ok- if he's not I don't know what ill do-

then I puke again.

what is happening???

A: is reg ok??

EMT: sir, please try not to talk-

everything is spinning. I'm scared. I can't help but start crying.

L: Alex- Alex. everything- its all gonna be ok-i promise. just- just hold on for me ok?

A: o-ok- ill- ill hold on-

then the room stops spinning, and everything goes black.

Luke pov

what is happening?!?!? just a few minutes ago we were killing it at practice, and now we're puking our guts out and yelling for ambulances.

reg just passed out and some EMTs are carrying him into the ambulance- god I'm scared-

they lead me into the ambulance and I let out a forced whisper to the closest EMT

L: is- is reg going to be ok?

EMT: your friend is going to be ok. just focus on breathing right now ok?

then I spot Alex- he looks worse off than any of us- he looks like he's having a panic attack on top of all of this-

L: Alex- Alex. everything- its all gonna be ok-i promise. just- just hold on for me ok?

A: o-ok- ill- ill hold on-

then his eyes close.

L: Alex?!?!? Alex-!!

the EMTs try to calm me down, but I'm already inconsolable. both my best friends are passed out and I don't know whats wrong, but I think I'm next.

EMT: sir. I need you to take deep breaths. please.

I can barely hear her over my own racing thoughts, and before I knew what was happening, everything was quiet again. everything was quiet and dark.

thats when I spotted reg and Alex. they were sitting together, crying.

L: boys-! wait- where are we?

Reg: I- I don't know- Alex thinks-

A: I think we're dead.

L: wh-what? we can't be- how would we be able to talk to each other if we were dead-? like- shouldn't we be in heaven or something?

Reg looks up at me and smiles a little

R: or something-

L: still- this doesn't exactly look like the "fiery pits of hell"

R: true- maybe we're in heaven?

L: I doubt it- I feel like I would have my guitar if I was In heaven-

R: fair- what do you think Alex?

alex is still crying- poor thing must be the most anxious he's ever been-

then he looks up and glares at me

A: I think we're dead and we'll never see our parents or Cindy or liz or robin or Britt or bobby every again. we're also nEver getting a record deal now.

then he just goes back to crying.

L: .....alright then- that was- dark-

R:....hes not wrong though-

L: yeah but- I don't think it'll do us much good to think too hard about it.

R: fair. lets promise not to think to hard about it from now on.

L: deal. Alex?

A: don't talk to me until one of you finds the antidote for death.

L: understood.

A: mhm *goes back to crying*

reg and I walk around a little trying to find the pearly gates or something, but after a few hours we give up and sit by Alex.

then, out of nowhere, we fall. out of the black room and right into Alex's garage.

and the rest seems to be history.

I'm happy for you. (julie and the phantoms) (sunset curve)Where stories live. Discover now