Sunday Morning

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Cecil stretched lazily and yawned. When he opened his eyes they were still heavy with sleep. He looked over and froze up when he saw that there was no one next to him. The bed was empty. Had it really been a dream? It felt so real. Cecil's worst fear had finally come true and it shook him to his core. He sat there for a moment, trying to hold himself together when he heard a shout from the other room.
"Ow!" Cecil's head shot up and he looked at the door of the bedroom listening for more noise. He then realized that he heard a sort of sizzling noise and smelled.......what was that? Bacon? He leaped out of the bed and headed towards the source of the noise and smell. When he reached the kitchen, Cecil laughed at the sight. Two pans sat on the stove, one with bacon and the other with pancakes. Carlos was standing there with a dish rag hung over his shoulder and his index finger in his mouth wincing.
"Did you burn yourself?" Cecil asked chuckling. Carlos nodded and went over to the sink to run cold water over it.
"Well I could certainly tell," Cecil replied. Carlos smiled then frowned suddenly.
"Wait you have to go back to bed!" He exclaimed.
"What?" Cecil asked.
"How can I give you breakfast in bed without you being in bed?" Carlos shooed his back towards his room, "Dang it Cecil you ruined the surprise." Carlos pouted. Cecil laughed and walked back towards the bedroom.
"Okay okay I'm going calm down! I didn't see anything!"
Carlos came in a few minutes later with a tray of food and a little vase with a rose. Cecil smiled as Carlos set it down and gestured grandly.
"Looks great," Cecil replied. Carlos beamed and put his hand in his hips.
"It will taste even better!"
"Blueberry?" Cecil asked looking at the pancakes.
"Of course your favorite," Carlos replied. Carlos scrambled into the bed next to him.
"How's your hand?" Cecil asked taking the hand that Carlos burned. Carlos shrugged.
"Eh kinda stings."
Cecil kissed Carlos's hand gently.
"You didn't have to do this."
"But I wanted to," Carlos admitted.
"Well thank you."
"You're welcome." Carlos leaned in and kissed Cecil gently, smiling.

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