As deku and Diego's eyes widened as they shouted
"it can talk!!"

"Yeah that's the reaction everyone has"

"I've never seen a stand that could talk" deku remarked

"Yeah it freaks a lot of people out considering quirks don't talk" tokoyami replied

"So what can you do with it?" Diego asked

Tokoyami explained" dark shadow Is sort of a remote control stand, it has a range of 50 meters and 200 meters if it's dark or night time, and it gets bigger and harder to control at night"

"That's a strong stand" diego and deku remarked

"Not really considering its weak to light and the fact it's punches aren't that damaging, the best it can do is destroy a wall"

"Huh,well if you ever want to hang out or train with us, call" deku replied

As tokoyami nodded

The next day-
As the next day came deku was a sleep in class as he was training last night as suddenly allmight burst through the door as the noise woke deku up as he accidentally shot 2 finger nails at allmight as he barely dodged

As Diego remarked "I know you hate him but damm, trying to kill him in class is even bold for you"

"Shut up dio,that was a accident, jesus I wouldn't have come to this school if I knew, everything was this loud," deku replied while yawning

As allmight told deku, "son I advise you to keep your quirk under control, I could've gotten hurt"

"That's the plan skin and bones, and I'm not your son"
Deku replied

As everyone wondered what deku ment by skin and bones

Though inko quickly came in and changed the subject as she spoke

"Students, today we will be having a hero's vs villains battle simulation"

as ilda asked if she could explain as she told him they would explain once they got in their hero outfits as all of their hero costumes came out as they were all excited for it.

Hero's vs villains-
As everyone got suited up they met Allmight and inko as they explained the rules and settings of the exam,

"Each turn there will be 2 teams in groups of 2, they will be split into hero's and villains, the hero's have to capture the villains and disarm the bomb by touching it, they can capture the opposing team by wrapping the capture tape on each of the villains, however to succeed you only need to complete 1 of the tasks, teams will be decided by random chance is that clear" both of them explained

everyone nodded, As everyone took their names out if the box, allmight had a look of pride in his face as he thought

"I specifically changed the name tags so that izumi and izuku can be on the same team"

Deku saw this look as he knew what allmight was up to, as deku used tusk to see the name tags to choose anyone except his sister as the name he picked out was shoka Todoroki as he really didn't mind it.

As allmight was dumb founded, "how did that not work?" As he had a stupid look on his face which made deku laugh a bit, as shoka wondered what he was laughing about

"So diego who did you get" deku asked

"Katsumi bakugo, I'm lucky I got the good twin of the bakugo's" diego replied

"You two are going to along great, unlike her bastard of a brother she uses her brain" deku said

"Are you implying I'm stupid?" Diego asked with a scary look

the crippled hero izuku zeppeli Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora