Chapter 6: Taking Your Advice

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Cherry: Hello, Nakamura.

The figure: Now don't be like that Kaoru, call me Yuri.

Joe: What the hell are you doing here Yuri.

Yuri: Come on Joe, is that a way to great your old friend.

Joe: I'm surprised I was your friend.

Cherry: Why are you here.

Yuri: I'm here because, I want you back.

Cherry: No, not happening you have no right.

Yuri puts his hand on Cherry's cheek and starts caressing it

Yuri: Come on we can be how we were back then.

Cherry: Only to have you do the same thing again. Who do you think I am to think I'm dumb enough to fool twice.

Yuri: I've changed. Give me a chance

Yuri starts leaning in to kiss Cherry. Joe grabs him by the collar.

Joe: Yeah I don't think that's happening.

Yuri: Oh are you two a thing now?

Joe: No we're not, we're just friends.

Yuri starts whispering into Joe's ear

Yuri: I always knew you would be too chicken to tell him.

Joe: I just never had a reason to.

Yuri: Aww, so sad. You can't get what you want.

Joe: That doesn't matter. I advise you leave now before I drag you out.

Cherry: What does he mean what you want, Kojiro?

Adam: It dosen't matter Kaoru, Yuri get out of here, if your here to just here to cause trouble.

Yuri: Easy for you to say Adam. I didn't come just to get back Kaoru I came back to challenge Joe to a beef aswell.

Joe: Let's do it, what are we betting. What do you get if you win and what do I get.

Yuri: If you win you'll never see me again, and if I win Kaoru will be mine.

Joe: What no.

Yuri: Afraid to lose?

Joe: I won't lose, let's do this.

Cherry: This involves me I'll do it.

Joe to Cherry: Are you sure? I can do this for you?

Cherry: It's alright, I'll do it.

Joe: I have a condition since it was supposed to be me skating.

Yuri: Go ahead what is it.

Joe: If Kaoru gets injured because of you in anyway it counts as a loss for you, and we'll never have to see you again.

Yuri: I can do that.

Joe: Then that's it.

Adam: Give me time to set a few things up and in half an hour you can start. I'm going to call some people I'll be back.

Yuri: So in half an hour you'll be mine.

Cherry: Or you'll never see me again.

Yuri: We'll see.
Twenty five minutes have passed

Reki: Cherry, what's happening.

Reki, Shadow, Miya, and Langa show up at S on their way to go see Joe and Cherry

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