Chapter 1: Kaoru Sakurayashiki

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Cherry POV:

My name is Kaoru Sakurayashiki, but I'm known as Cherry in a place called "S". S is a place where skaters from around the neighborhood show up and skate and compete in competitions called beefs. In beefs people bet things like money, items, and sometimes things involving their partners, but I'm not just a skater I have my own business. I do calligraphy, people hire me to write signs or to just appear and give a motivational phrase. One of the reasons I am able to do this is Carla. Carla is an AI skateboard that can do anything. She usually helps me determine what degrees to move my brush or when to turn in beefs, and today is no different. Today I have a sign to deliver and a beef against a gorilla. That isn't his name it's just the animal he represents. His real name is Kojiro Nanjo, but he goes by Joe. I've known him since we where in high school. We bonded over our love for skateboarding. We've been close since, but recently in the last year he's been acting different and I don't know what to do. It worries me that I don't know what's going on, and I've tried asking him but he brushes me off. That ape is too dumb to realize what I feel, and there's nothing I can say to make him understand.
The beef at S

Cherry: Where is that gorilla!?! This was his idea and he's late.

Reki: Come on Cherry, he's bound to be here soon just wait a bit.

Miya: Yeah there's no way he forgot or wouldn't show up.

Shadow: He's probably with some chick he'll be here soon.

Miya: Isn't that him?

Miya points at Joe walking towards them with a group of girls

Cherry: There you are your late.

Joe: Don't get mad, because I'm 5 minutes late.

Cherry: You were supposed to be here at 10 it's 10:20 I doubt it been 5 minutes.

Joe: See it wasn't that long, now let's start this. Hey yo lady start the count down.

Lady: Yeah, ok.

Cherry fans: Wooooooooo, go Cherry win!!!

Joe fans: Wooooo, you can win it Joe!!!

Cherry: Don't get upset when I leave you behind.

Joe: You better not complain when you eat my dust.

Lady: On you marks get set





Lady: Go *Final beep*

Joe and Cherry start the beef

Carla: In 10 meters turn right with a 75⁰ turn.

Cherry: Thank you, Carla.

Joe: When are you listen and stop relying on Carla when skating?

Cherry: The day you beat me

Joe: So today?

Cherry: In your dreams, you won't be able to beat me.

Cherry in thought: And I dont wanna lose because I don't want this to end.

Joe: Guess I'm dreaming then.

Joe speeds ahead of Cherry

Cherry: Carla what is the most effective way to speed up

Carla: In the next turn go towards the middle and shift your weight slightly

Cherry: Thank you.

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