"Danny," assured Lauren, "I promise you, they won't be invasive or experimental type stuff…."

"No," blurted Danny firmly. "I can't do it, I need to go. I need to go now." She grimaced throwing back the sheets and sitting up. Gingerly she pulled on the jeans and T-shirt that Lauren had brought for her as well as a pair of sneakers.

"Danny, please, let me help you. You aren't trained and you're in danger," Lauren pleaded.

Danny continued to the door and was about to open it when the doctor's voice stopped her.

"Danny if you walk out that door, you will never know. Never know what happens when you black out, you'll never control your wolf, and one day you may not wake up in that ditch." "Danny!" Lauren pleaded, "Stop running and let me help you."

Danny hesitated a minute and replied, "I'm sorry doc," pulled open the door, and was gone.

Lauren exhaled all the air from her lungs. "Dam it," she growled throwing her pen at the wall as David walked in. David raised his eyebrows but knew better than to ask.

"I blew it David," cursed Lauren walking over to pick up the pen she had just thrown.

"Blew what?" asked David his deep blue eyes peering at her.

"I think I pushed too hard and scared her off," replied Lauren.

David shrugged, "her choice Doc."

Knowing David was right she trudged back to the lab. She was tired and grumpy but decided she would look at the piece of metal she had pulled out of Danny's wound and inspect it closer. After an hour of research in the Fae data base she concluded it was part of a Sherpa blade which was very old and very deadly. She busied herself with patients and research for the rest of the afternoon trying not to think about the beautiful stranger that had captured her attention and was now gone from her life.

David poked his head in around 6:00pm, "Are you going home Doc, thought I might walk out with you."

"That's subtle," replied Lauren knowing that was his way of saying "go home." "I'm done here, so yes I think I will walk out with you."

As they walked through the outer doors David tipped his head to the side "Dr. Lewis." Confused, Lauren looked in the direction the intern had motioned and smiled. "Looks like you maybe didn't blow it after all, good luck." Excusing himself David proceeded to his car.

Lauren took a deep breath and started toward the bench where Danny was sitting considering what she might say differently to change her mind. Danny had been lost in thought and when she looked up she noticed the very thin, somewhat awkward, but beautiful doctor standing in front of her.

"Oh, hey," Danny tried to say as casually as possibly.

"Hi", said Lauren raising her eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

Danny nodded, "I'm fine."

There was a pause. "May I sit?" Lauren asked politely.

The wolf nodded and she took a seat next to Danny facing her as much as she could on a wooden park bench. Danny was nervously looking at the ground while Lauren patiently waited for Danny to be ready to talk.

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