just the begining

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When i was three and a half my mother died at the time i dint know why. After she was gone my father became more abuseve towrds me he hit me, kicked me, even tryed to burn me once.
Then when i was almost four my father raped and beat me. That was three days befor he pulled a kighfe to my neck slit my throught.
That was ten days after. I just woke up next to a crib with a newborn baby girl. She had on a yellow dress with flowers on it. I moved closer to her crib and she looked at me.
"Hi baby, im knight."
She started to gigle at me. Not long after she started to gigle a tall man with black pants and a blue shirt came in.
"Hay baby girl whts so funny?" The man asked the baby. She continued to lagh and i just stood there staring at her. I gess the man cant see me becuse im standing right acrss from him on the rocking char (cus im only four and cant see her if im on the floor.)
The man gave her a toy kissed her head and walked out. I know im only four and dead but why am i here with this baby. I looked around her room and fond a pictur of the baby and it had her name on it sky. I know how to read cus my mommy taght me befor she died.
I walked back over to sky. " hi sky. Im going to protect you for the rest of your life, i promise."
And this day forword i will protect the baby.

our love lasted a life timeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora