"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Hyung... I didn't take care of her... I'm a bad boyfriend... She's gone, Hyung... She's..." Jungkook's body collapsed and nearly met with the floor but Hoseok was quick as he caught Jungkook's body to stay in his arms before he called for help.

Jungkook opened his eyes lit as the light from his surroundings came into his sight, hurting his eyes and as a reflex, he closed them back with a frowned visibly on his forehead. But, he closed them longer than it was supposed to be as a few tears rolling down his cheeks slowly.

He gulped his saliva, hard as his chest was crushed, remembering every bit of those incidents that happened like a nightmare. His other half was gone and he felt like a hopeless boy who was lost in the woods. His sobs finally made their way out from his mouth as he crumpled his body on the bed, gripping firmly on the duvet that covered him.

"Kook? You up?" Hoseok just got back from the cafe as the members were having their dinner now. Jungkook was out for almost two hours and now, he was letting out the sound of misery until Hoseok could even feel the wall was slightly shaking due to Jungkook's wailing.

He pursed his lips as his eyes trembled, looking at the miserable boy crying his eyes out, mourning over the love of his life's death. Hoseok then decided to leave him for some space as he stepped out from the room, closing the door behind him before he leaned on the door. Even from the outside, he could hear Jungkook's cry from how loud his sobs were.

He brought up his face as his eyes met with a few familiar faces and he just shook his head to tell them that he's still not in a good shape. His act resulted in them sighing heavily, as they looked over to the little girl in Yoongi's arms, sleeping after crying over her mother's death.

The next day, Jungkook was called to the police station to help with the investigation as they need him to tell them the details of the murder case. Jungkook's face was emotionless as his eyes were bloodshot, staring at nowhere as the entrusted cop for their interrogation now entered the small room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jeon." The cop greeted him but as expected, Jungkook just stayed still, not even bother to greet the cop back.

"Okay, Mr. Jeon. I know you need to rest after what happened to your loved one. My condolences to you. But, I need to ask you a few questions regarding the case since you were there on the day of the incident." The cop turned a few pages of his file that was on the table between them before he looked back up to Jungkook.

"First. Can you tell me what did you know about the relationship between the suspect, Henry Hudson Wang, with your victim, Anne Lee?" Jungkook's heart clenched at the mention of Anne's name. A lump was suddenly formed in his throat, making him hard to breathe but he tried to gulp them, did not want to cause a fuss.

"Based on what she told me, they were once best friends. But, H-Henry holds some sort of grudges towards my girlfriend due to some jealousy."

"Okay. The motive is there. And, can you probably tell me the details of the murder? I know it's hard but please cooperate with us to help us more with the charges towards the suspect." Jungkook, yet again, tried to gulp down the lump that formed again in his throat as he slowly remembered every bit of the incident that happened yesterday.

Almost an hour Jungkook spent in the interrogation room before he stepped out from that said room, feeling like he was going collapse anytime soon. But, Hoseok that just saw his figure out from the room quickly caught him up and helped him walked out of the station.

"Can we..." Jungkook closed his eyes as he leaned the back of his head on the passenger's seat. "...meet Anne first?" He finished up his sentence and Hoseok just smiled at him before he nodded.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 - 𝐉𝐉𝐊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now