Chapter 9 - Love is a battlefield

Start from the beginning

Zhan: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm back and ready to kick you ass big brother." Zhan joined the fun. He missed winding his brother up.

Cheng: "You got a lot to prove bro. Loads of catch up to do."

Zhan put his tongue out. Yes in fact Zhan had loads to catch up upon. But as soon as the training started Zhan realised how much he missed playing basketball with his mates. It is a good distraction to all the things that happen. It did not take him long before he was beating the rest of the boys in the game. Him and Yibo together were unbeatable. No one could stop them from scoring points after points.

Zhan: "Another 3 points... Who needs to catch up now Cheng?" Zhan was loving seeing his brother sweating trying his hardest to beat his and Yibo's team.

Cheng: "That is pure luck. You only managed to do it because I am distracted by my test."

Zhan: "Yeah, yeah. Excuses, excuses... Could you not come back with something else?"

The game keep going on and on. Yanli, Yu Bin and Meng were once again in the benches supporting the boys. While Yanli would be on Zhan's team, Meng on the other hand would be supporting her boyfriend.

3 more points were scored by Yibo making them the winning team. Zhan run to him and before everyone knew he collided with Yibo giving him a well deserved kiss on the mouth that did not go unnoticed by everyone. All the friends froze on the spot. No one could believe what just happen.

Finally after a few minutes the silence was broken.

Cheng: "Zhan you despicable sod. What the hell do you think you are doing to Yibo?" Cheng this time was fuming. He thought that Zhan had been teasing Yibo and that a kiss on the mouth was a step too far.

Yanli noticing the steam coming from her oldest brother decided to speak and separate the boys.

Yanli: Cheng... give him a break. He didn't do anything wrong?"

Cheng: "What do you mean he did not do anything wrong. He just kissed Yibo on the mouth. Am I the only one that saw that?"

Jiyang: "Nope... I saw that too."

Ji Li: "Yup... me too"

Zanjin: "Same"

Yu Bin: "Something you guys would like to tell us." Yu Bin had some suspicious that something big was going on between both boys. Something more than just a friend helping other over the He Peng situation.

Cheng: "What there is to tell. I'm going to break your legs Zhan... You gone too far." Zhan hid behind Yibo while he stood protecting him.

Yibo: "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM. HE IS ALLOWED TO DO WHAT HE WANTS." He shouted. All their friends froze once again. They were surprised to see the quietest person in the room shouting.

Cheng: "What do you mean he is allowed... Zhan what the heck is he on about?" Cheng was losing his patience. He was lost about what was happening.

Yanli: "Boys... I think it is time to open up." As much as Yanli wanted to protect the boys the cat was now out of the hat and everyone knew it.

Zhan: "Well. I did not want you guys to find out this way... It was my slip and I shouldn't have done that. But now that you says saw it... oh what the heck... Me and Bo-di are together."

No one spoke... other than the people that were closer to the court ward all the friends were quietly digesting what Zhan just said. Cheng was the first one to break the silence.

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