30 | One Big Grand Reveal

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Tony sat on his couch and turned towards Y/N, who was confused by this intervention type situation that was happening. Pepper turned on the fireplace, politely offered the three warm drinks and left the room; knowing exactly what Tony was about to confess. Peter clutched her hand in his, intertwining their fingers and taking a deep breath. He seemed more nervous than Tony did, he wasn't even the one coming out as her father.

Although, the repercussions for Peter could be a lot worse for Peter than Tony. Y/N spent majority of her life without Tony, she could easily refuse to be around him anymore once she heard the news. But once she found out that Peter knew this information for several weeks without telling her, their already rocky relationship with each other would be destroyed entirely.

"I- Um, how do I put this easily... I swear I've been rehearsing this conversation over and over but it's so much harder in person... Wait," Tony said leaping off the couch energetically and grabbing the paternity test results from his room and jogging back to the living room. When Tony was anxious he had tremendous bursts of energy, this was evident by his fast speech, bouncing leg and lip biting.

"Just read this, it's pretty set explanatory," Tony said taking a deep breath and looking at Peter who was equally as nervous if not more.

She pulled the stack of papers from the envelope, flicking through pages and pages of numbers and data which she chuckled at.

"What am I supposed to do with this? This is a fucking novel," she joked, not wanting to read an entire synopsis of the results.

"The front page will be enough," Tony choked, clenching his jaw and trying to focus on his breathing. Y/N sighed casually, mumbling out loud as she read the words on the paper.

"This report dated October 6th, from the New York Bureau of Paternity and Genealogy states that Anthony Edward Stark proves a positive match to the DNA provided via hair root sample and saliva testing," she muttered, furrowing her brows as she came to the realisation that the subject matter she was reading related to her.

She stayed silent, the paper crinkling between her fingers as she fiddled with the edges. Peter looked at her then to Tony, then back to the girl he loved.

"Y/N? Do you know what that's referring to?" Peter asked quietly, trying to gain a response from her.

"Yes, it's November 30th which means he kept this from me for eight weeks. And the fact that you're not shocked by Tony's news means that you fucking knew all of this shit too," she said taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.

Tony and Peter couldn't tell if she was angry or not, she was just breathing with her eyes closed; completely emotionless.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She said quietly, looking up at Tony with tear filled eyes and a shaky voice.

"I was scared, you hated me most of your life and for the first time, you and I have started to get along lately... I didn't want to ruin that," Tony confessed, also holding back tears. She nodded slowly at Tony, wiping her cheeks with her fingers and standing up.

"C-can I have a hug? I know that sounds really lame but I, I don't really know how to feel right now but so far I'm kind of feeling numb," she laughed through her tears, putting her arms out to embrace Tony as he stood.

Pepper whispered around the corner to get Peters attention, waving him over to leave the two alone for a second. Peter sighed in relief, he felt really awkward being in their private moment. Scurrying out of the room Tony called out for both him to come back.

"You're not off the case yet Parker, you almost got my daughter killed tonight because you were seen swinging through the city," Tony said letting go of the hug and looking to Y/N worriedly after he automatically said the word 'daughter'. She smiled though, feeling something she hadn't felt before:

A parent who worried about her well-being. A parent who cared about her.

"I'm sorry that just slipped out," Tony said screwing his face up slightly out of embarrassment.

"It's fine, I'll get used to it. Do you uh, do you want to be called Dad...?" She asked uncomfortably.

"God no, you can just call me Tony if you want. Or Dad if you really want to... I'll get used to it," he smiled before turning back to Peter and frowning. The word Dad made him uncomfortable but Peter endangering Y/N made him even more so.

"You're grounded," Tony said to Peter, starting to leave the room and meet Pepper who was probably waiting in bed for him. It was ridiculously late after the attack on the warehouse villains anyway.

"I'm what? You're not my dad. You've been a dad for like two seconds," Peter scoffed, watching Tony fill a glass with water ready for bed.

"You can't take Y/N swinging again. Those guys knew your identity and we don't know if they told someone else. They also know hers so you're both under lock and key until we know more," Tony said taking a sip nonchalantly.

"You can't ground me, I live on campus like an hour from you," Peter said frowning.

"But I can re-activate training wheels on your suit so I can track you. And I can disable the heating function so swinging around at night will be all the more unbearably cold for you. Both of you guys stay here the night and I'll see you in the morning, night!" He said cheerfully, jogging down the corridor to his bedroom.

"Well that's fucking shit... At least we got a swing in?" Peter said smiling awarding at Y/N who hit him across the chest and told him he was a liar and she wouldn't forgive him for keeping secrets. He pouted, pulling her closer to him by her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Oh come on, it wasn't my secret to tell... Plus, we get to sleep on a super comfy huge bed again tonight. And I won't let you go," he said picking her up and carrying her to the guest bedroom.

"You okay with the uh, news or..." Peter said quietly, causing Y/N to nod, shrug and then sigh.

"I don't really know but I'm kind of like, happy I have a Dad? Like, knowing I don't have a murderous killer as my father. Thankful it's not Obadiah... You know I wasn't scared tonight you know, when those guys kidnapped me, I knew you'd come and get me," she said kissing his cheek before he put her down on the bed.

"I wouldn't let anyone hurt you Y/N, I promise," he said getting under the covers and pulling her against his chest.

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