8. A Shadowy Future

Start from the beginning

She shook her head furiously, still in doubt about everything she'd just been told. Eight years! That's how long she'd been with Team Rocket, and until yesterday, she'd never been asked to do anything that wasn't wrong from her point of view. "How—" Angel swallowed and took a deep breath. "How do I know that you are telling the truth? Or you are even real instead of a figment of my exhausted imagination?"

Giratina tilted her head, and the only thing Angel could see in her mind was her father giving her one of his common 'Are you really that dense?' looks. For the second time in less than two minutes, she blushed in embarrassment.

"Does it matter? If I'm real, you believe me automatically because it came from a Pokémon. If I'm just inside your head, you already believe what I say is true and are desperate to convince yourself."

Angel chewed on that statement for a little while before she spoke. "What do I need to do to prevent this future?"

"Get those three to your father, where they will be safe. Then continue to do as you have done. I have many people to contact, and they will help ensure the safety of any Shadow they come across. As for what you must do...You already know the answer. All you need do now is find the courage to follow through."

Aye, she did understand that her next step needed to be to leave Team Rocket. But to do so would add a bullseye to her back. She would need powerful allies if she chose to go that route. It took her a while to realize Giratina had continued to speak. "Hmmn?" Angel turned her full attention to the Legendary.

"Return to Vermillion City. Speak to Officer Jenny. You will need her connections and protection to stay ahead of Team Rocket."

Angel shook her head so hard and quickly that she had to pause before she spoke to let the dizziness pass. "I can't! She doesn't trust me anymore. She'll throw me in a cell the first chance she gets."

"Trust is unnecessary, as is becoming best friends again. You only need her help. The worst that will happen is being locked away for a week or two."

Again, she shook her head, this time much gentler. "If some of the Shadows are in as much danger as you say they are, being locked up might cost them."

"And what if, in the future, you had the chance to save dozens but were prevented because you were caught? No. It's best to do this now, on your terms, before the ante is too high, even at the loss of a life or two. You must do what is best for the greater good. That's the reason I chose you to be the first of the Warriors of Light. You are smart enough to know the risks, and brave enough to take them. Now, awaken. Danger approaches."

From a sound sleep, Angel jerked into a sitting position. Though sweat poured down her face, she shivered. Her breaths were quick and shallow. The reality of the dream faded, but the sensations remained. Never before had she experienced a dream like that.

Angel frowned when she realized where she was. Hadn't she gone to the Pokémon Center to sleep for the night? How in the world did she end up here?

A crunch drew her attention, and she directed her gaze to the path into the city, where she could see a couple headed her way. She seemed to be in a hole beneath a tree but could see through the roots. Few people would have their eyes that low, so she'd chosen a good hiding spot for whatever reason she didn't remember. Well. It was still possible for people to notice her, but in her experience, most tended to overlook or deny the obvious. Unfortunately for her, the newcomers had a Pokémon walking with them, and it was at the perfect height to see her.

It cried out in actual speech, and Angel couldn't move. Was she still in a dream?

The pair was still about thirty feet away when they knelt. One was a male with short purple hair and green eyes. His companion was a woman with waist-length red hair and blue eyes. No way! Could it possibly be the most notorious trio in all the Regions? A glance down at their shirts confirmed her suspicions.

"Ohmygosh!" Angel exclaimed as she crawled out from her hidey hole. "Can it really be Jessie, James, and Meowth?"

They blinked in surprise and then huddled together as they muttered amongst themselves. After a minute, they stood, and James spoke. "Oh, goody! Did you hear that, Jessie? We're famous!"

"I heard it, but now she knows we're with Team Rocket!" Jessie wrapped an arm around James' neck, drew him in, and gave him a noogie with her other hand.

Angel laughed as she got to her feet, which made them turn to look at her. "Relax, Jessie. It's not like there's another group like you. And if there was, well. I'd hope you three could prove you're the better team."

"Of course, we could! Nobody's better than us!" James shouted with utter confidence. "But, uh. Who are you?"

She approached them. "I'm Alexandria Flamel. Perhaps you've heard of me?"

The three went into another huddle, but this time glanced her way every so often. They all shook their heads when they turned their full attention back to her.

"Strange. I would assume you'd heard of me. Mally and Iggy had."

"Now, them, we've heard of. You spoke their names with a bit of hatred. Do you have an issue with them as well?"

"I met them not too long ago. They tricked me and stole my Melanistic Sableye, Ebony. He's one of my closest friends, and I was so surprised by their deception that I let them get away. Now, I'm scared I'll never get him back."

A third huddle. Then, Jessie: "Where did you last see them?"

"About a mile from Vermilion City."

"We'll help you, but only because it gives us a chance to put them in their place. We have a reputation to protect as the best of Team Rocket. Oh, and you can travel with us if you'd like."

Angel opened her mouth to turn them down but realized she could just as easily transfer the three Shadows she carried to her father in Vermilion City. Plus, traveling with three of her heroes would be a fun experience. "I'd love that."

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