You looked to Striker hesitantly, who looked away similarly.

"Mom, Julius— he killed Veronica..." you said softly, grabbing her hand.

She gasped lightly, shaking her head that the realization that her daughter was dead. The doubt immediately set in.

"How do you know that?" She responded back, tears cascading from her eyes.

"Because, he showed me a picture of her body dead and floating." You responded back grimly.

"How can you be so sure it wasn't some other Imp?" She said raising her voice.

"Because she had her horn style, her colored hair, even the birthmark on her back leg! It was her. He told me that he dated her because he wanted to know what made me different from other Imps by comparing us. I think he maybe even planned to kill her the whole time..." you hypothesized.

"What...I don't—" she was confused which was understandable, so you began to explain all of what Julius had said to you.

By the end she had tears streaming down her face, knowing that her baby's life was over was hard to grasp.

"I'll, I'll go tell your father..." she said, getting up and meeting my father where he worked at his shop.

A few minutes later, your parents arrived looking completely heartbroken.

They stood there for a minute, looking at you like you were a monster.

"Hey...why're ya lookin' at me like that?" you said, shifting your body around and wincing as your side felt stretched.

"Y/n...we'd— we'd like ya ta leave..." you father rasped, tears falling uncontrollably from him.

Striker spoke up for you, saying immediately what came on his mind.

"You've got to be kiddin' me..." he uttered lowly, glaring at them and making them gulp.

"W-we just think having you around would be a constant reminder that— Veronica...she—" your mother choked up again.

"Oh...OH." You realized, laughing at the situation.

"She's dead and even now y'all are favoring her more than me." You said, getting up and collecting your things.

"What? We never had favorites, come on don't be ridiculous y/n—" your father tried to reason with you before you cut him off.

"I'm not being "ridiculous"—All my life Veronica's had a huge fuckin' inferiority complex and y'all have done nothin' but fan tha fire. Everything I wanted, she wanted. Julius even said the minute he asked ta sleep with her, she said "yes" without any hesitation. And even after I told y'all what happened ya still took her side! She was too blinded by jealousy to see what was right in front of her. You might as well have been the ones to kill her and dump her inna lake..." you muttered, making sure it was loud enough for them to hear.

"Well can you blame her!! You were always such a high achiever and yet you were never thankful, you won that award 7 times! Your sister never even became a qualifier." She shouted, faces contorted in rage.

"Never thankful!? Why would I be thankful fa basically winning tha "Biggest Douchebag in Hell" Award?And who's job was it ta explain these feelings ta her? Say that you should never let jealousy consume your judgement, never hurt family, hmm?" You said glaring at them with conviction.

They seemed to have taken your words to heart, saying nothing because they knew it was true. They still held stern angry expressions on their face.

"Striker can you help me put my jacket on, I already texted Mr. Joe and he said he'll pick us up." You said.

He nodded, grabbing an old varsity jacket and looping it around you. You whispered a thank you and smiled kindly at him, before using him as an assist and hobbling your way to the door where you left without another word being spoken.

Even if the situation was bleak, Striker's heart was dancing in his chest as you leaned up against him. How the hell did you make him feel this way? It was almost a sickly feeling, the one you get after going on a roller coaster and feeling your stomach drop to your ass. Like a high, a really good one.

It takes a long time for Striker to care about someone or something, he really only thought he cared about two things.

1) Bombproof
2) Killing Stolas Goetia

And he would never admit it aloud, but the list is looking more like.

1) Boomproof
2) Killing Stolas Goetia
And possibly...
2.5) Killing Stolas Goetia and taking you with him after

A partner in crime situation, like Bonnie and Clyde— minus the death part.

Joe's car rolled up an hour and a half later, parking in front of the house. Striker assisted you into the car before climbing in on the other side.

As y'all began driving through the beautiful scenic route back to the wrath ring, Striker felt a weight on his shoulder. You had fallen asleep, quiet, cute little breaths of air escaping you rhythmically.

His heart sped up again as you snuggled deeper into his shoulder, whispering his name once as you did so.

It felt as if his heart would escape from his chest, and you could probably hear how fast it was going as your ear was near his neck.

You whispered HIS NAME. Were you having a bad dream and called out for him? Were you lucid dreaming? Or were you even asleep at all? So many questions, and no answers at all.

His face flushed but he covered it by looking out the window and at the scenery. He occasionally caught a scent of your hair, the smell consisting of pumpkin, cinnamon, and a hit of vanilla. Such a unique assortment of scents, he could recognize it instantly.

You were unbearable, but in the best way possible.

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