It's been 5 years

252 3 0

"Angel wake up!" 

You groan tiredly, gripping your blanket tighter as you heard shuffling from in front of your door. '3... 2... 1...' 

*BANG!!* Your door was busted open as you wince from the noise ringing in your ears. Footsteps came into your room pausing at where your window was. Suddenly you heard a yank and following that came a bright light. The warm feeling pricked at your skin, causing you to lift the blanket over your head.

"Nuh Uh! You have to get up young missy!" Your blanket was tugged away, the sunlight hitting you again. You sigh, finally opening your eyes. "Angel, come on! Up you get!" You stare at your adopted guardian, smiling. 

"Good- morning unnie..." You half- whispered half- yawned. The raven- haired girl gave you a warm smile before hugging you tightly. A quick good- morning was mumbled behind you before she got back up and ruffled your short moonlight hair. You briefly glanced at her glow before reaching for your black blindfold. Stuffing it in your pocket, you held your hands out to your guardian. She gave you a loving smile and picked you up from the bed. Hugging her neck, you snuggled into the warmth of it, sleepiness crashing over you again.

(Diane's POV)

"Angel wake up!" I yelled from downstairs. A tired sound replied as I began walking up the stairs.

I let out a mental sigh, as I shuffle towards her door. The silver name plate on it welcomed me as it stated her name. I count 3...2...1.. I barged into the room, a loud sound ringing at my ears. I rub my ears as I glance at the small figure. Her eyes shut and her breathing slow. I give another mental sigh as I head for the window, the blinds a galaxy theme. I ripped it open, the sunlight pouring onto my body and filling up the room. A tiny whine pricked my ears as I turned to face the child. Her blankets covered her, an attempt to shield herself from the sun.

"Nuh Uh! You have to get up young missy!" I pulled her blanket down, watching the sun hit her again. She let out a small sweet sigh, opening her eyes. Her irises the colour of the night sky with lots of stars. I snap out of it, quickly finding your voice.

"Angel, Come on! Up you get!" I gruffly say, trying to be tough. She stares at me, giving me a loving smile as she yawned. "Good-morning unnie..."

 That's it. I smile at her and lean down to give her a hug. "Good- morning." I say quickly, before getting back up again to ruffle her silky moon- like hair. I see her grab her black blindfold and stuff it into the white pajamas she was wearing. She then reaches out to me and I smile at her. I pick her up and start walking to the bathroom. I feel her snuggle closer to my neck and I smile again. Her soft breathing made me stop in my tracks. I hold her carefully then start walking downstairs toward the couch- like bed. I place her down and pull a fluffy blanket over her. Giving her a small peck on her forehead, I head to the kitchen.

Turning on the small Tv on the counter, I set the channel to the news. I then walk to the fridge and grab out some supplies for breakfast. 

"Hmmm... no eggs or milk." I scratch my head, annoyed. We need to go shopping. I sigh and close the fridge door. Walking to the counter, I place the items down and snatched the notepad and pen near the Tv. 

"Eggs... milk...." I glance around the kitchen. "Oh! And sugar." I scribble the last one and place the pad down. For a moment, I stared at the tv, wondering if there was anything interesting happening today. I froze. I move closer to the Tv, my eyes still fixated on the glowing screen.

"Oh hell nah."

(Your POV)

You felt a hand stroking your hair softly. The hand felt.... warm. You lean closer to the warmth, snuggling. A chuckle rang in your ears, causing you to open your eyes abruptly. You sit up and rub your eyes, still a bit sleepy. You then look around, surprised that you weren't at home. You were in a dark place, but it felt warm and comforting. 

"For a five year old, you seem strange." A deep voice stated. You tilted your head before gasping. Grabbing out your blindfold, you tie it around your eyes, making a perfect bow at the back of your head. The voice chuckled again, sending warm shivers up your back. You look around for the source of that voice, wanting to see who brought you here. 

"You won't be able to see me yet," The voice said, realising what you were doing. "Soon you will, but not now." You immediately frown and give a sad nod. You felt the warm hand stroke your hair again, patting you softly. You heard the voice mumble something before taking the hand off you. 

"It's time to wake up little one, you have visitors." You give the voice a slight nod before smiling. Closing your eyes behind the blindfold you heard a soft voice whispering your name.


You suddenly wake up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Sitting up, you looked around for Diane. A loud clatter was heard from the bathroom upstairs as you heard Diane curse.

"AWW FuC- Uhh Angel can you get the door!" You gave a soft squeak in response and got up. You trotted over to the door, placing your blindfold over your eyes, before grabbing a ladder stool to reach the doorknob. Opening the door, you got down the ladder and pushed it aside.

Opening the door wider, two tall figures stood there. 

"AH! GREETINGS HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! WE COME WITH PEAC-" The loud voice stops talking once he realises that there was a small child there. "ERR... UMMM.." Seemingly flustered, you give a small smile before motioning them into the house. You saw a burst of gold before they walked inside. 

"Uh.. thanks... kiddo." The other figure said, his tone filled with surprise and curiosity. You give him another smile before closing the door behind them. Walking towards the couch, you move the blanket off and place it in a small basket. You motion them to sit down and make themselves comfortable. 

"WHY THANK YOU KIND TINY HUMAN!" The taller figure said. You nodded your head before sitting next to him. 

"ANGEL! WHO ARE THE GU-!" Your guardian was half-way down the stairs before you saw her glow turn into an excited yellow. A cheery tune began playing and you swayed to it. "A-Angel? Who are these mo- uh beings?" You noticed that she was trying to calm herself down. You slipped off the couch and walked over to where she was. The two figures shifted uncomfortably as you felt her gaze on them. You hugged her legs and she picked you up. Whispering in her ear, she nodded, her gaze still directed at them.

You felt her walk over to them, the glow now a calm olive green. She took a deep breath before calmly speaking.

"Umm.. well, I welcome you to the above- ground! And to our humble abode..." She added that last sentence with a smile. You nodded and gave them thumbs up. 

"Ummm... thanks I guess..." You tilted you head and slowly put your hands down. A small flicker of a dull red caught your eye.

Anger. Your eyes furrowed as you patted Diane softly to let you down. She hesitated at first, but then dropped you slowly. You walked over to the shorter figure and placed your hand on his. Both of you jolted in surprise, him you don't know, but you because it didn't feel like a human hand. Not only that, it felt warm. The flicker of red slowly disappeared as you see a deep blue one appear. 

Sadness. You squeeze his hand lovingly and turn your head up to give him a smile. Even through the darkness you imagined a smile on his face. The blue, still there grew smaller and a soft pink one grew. You smiled again. 

"Angel," You heard Diane call to you. "Do you want to take off your blindfold?"

You smiled. Lifting your hands to undo the bow at the back of your head. Tilting your head downwards, you let the darkness leave you. Blinking lightly, you slowly look at the two figures.

"So... pretty." You whispered softly, your eyes widening slightly.

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